
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2024-03-28 03:11 字体: [ ] 
  the courage to be unreasonable
  success is really about being ready for the good opportunities that come before you. it'snot to have a detailed plan about everything you're going to do, you can't plan innovation orinspiration, but you can be ready for it. and when you see it, you can jump on it and you canmake a difference.
  ——eric emerson schmidt
  the courage to be unreasonable
  ——eric schmidt
  thank you for that. let me begin by congratulating all the graduates. it's exciting to begraduating and i especially want to congratulate the parents. and remember that they still needyou and maybe they'll now listen to you. and if you aren't sure who i'm talking to, i'm actuallytalking to both the parents and the students, so congratulations to everybody.
  we owe a debt in my industry-to penn-that is profound . it was in 1946 that the eniac wasinvented, right here in a basement down the street. and literally everything that you see, everycomputer, every mobile phone, every device , descends from the principles that were inventedright here. this really is the center of my world.
  and now 63 years later, 250 of your alumni work at google. this is the most desirable placefor us to hire interns anywhere in the world and i can tell you that we know the quality of thegraduates that i see before me are the best in the world. it is exciting to be part of this.
  now, when i think about penn, i think about the metaphor of resilience , of a culture thatworks, of a hunger to change. if you think about 20 years ago, when penn was struggling, and thechanges that the people around me made to turn it into the most desirable undergraduate majorfrom a standpoint of high school applications in the country, from the kind of culture that has beenbuilt here, you see that the culture works, and that the combination that you see represented on thestage, that the parents are so proud to have sent their students to really has delivered, the very bestthat we can do here in america.
  and of course, we also have the best cheesesteaks in the world, which is not so bad.
  when i look at this group, i see the google and facebook generation. and when i was first inthis stadium , my track buddies and i got in a station wagon -you remember them-and i drove uphere to go to a track and field event with the great marty liquori. and i think this is almost 40years ago. we had tang, you have red bull.
  now, we programmed computers in a language called basic. you, of course, use java .
  we had vcrs that had an hour of video and cost $700. you use youtube and you upload 15hours of youtube video every minute.
  and we got our news from newspapers. remember them? you get news from blogs andtweets . and for those of you who don't know what a tweet is, it's not what you hear in a zoo.
  we stood in line to buy pong, you stood in line to buy the wii.
  we didn't tell people about our most embarrassing moments in college, you record them andpost them on youtube and facebook every day. and i am looking forward to watching these forthe next 30 or 40 years.
  we used mainframe computers with 300 megabytes of storage . you use an ipod with 120gigabytes , that's about 500 times more。
  we thought that "friending" was a noun. you think of it as a verb.
  we had phone booths , remember them? you have cell phones.
  we wore watches; we took pictures with cameras. we navigated with maps; we listened totransistor radios. again, you have a cell phone.
  we thought that the marvels of computers and technology would help us improve the world.
  you agree, and we're both right. so despite all these marvels, this is a great time to be graduating.
  now, you went to college to develop the kind of analytical thinking skills to deal withenormous amounts of complex information that you'll face for the rest of your life. but i wouldargue you have in many ways the best opportunity before you because you're graduating into atough time.
  i used my favorite search engine, of course, to find out "what did the great depression spur?" well, it spurred rice krispies, twinkies and the beer can. you would have never gottenthrough college without these things, right?
  so it seems to me that with all the technology and connectedness that we see, you have anopportunity that's even better, even stronger than anything that i ever faced when i was sitting inthe same seats. you are seeing a situation where due to the enormous goodwill of people-here onthe stage and others-we have an opportunity to have everyone in the world have access to all theworld's information.
  this has never been possible. and why is this so important? why is ubiquitous informationso profound? it's a tremendous equalizer . information is power, people have fought over it,people care a lot about it, it serves as a check and balance on politicians. if you were a dictator ,which, of course, you're not going to be, because you're a fine graduate from penn, first thing youwould do is shut off all the communication so that people couldn't actually talk each other andfigure out how to make the world a better place.
  information is very, very important. and in fact, the way you should invade these oppressiveregimes is through information. then the citizens will take that information and turn theirsocieties into better societies. this is going to continue and to continue and to continue.
  and what are we going to do with this vastly more popular web? well, we're building acontemporaneous and historical record that is unparalleled in human history. there are all sortsof interesting possibilities.
  you'll have megabits of bandwidth to essentially every human pair of hands in the world.
  for knowledge, for entertainment, for all of the things that people care about. you could have aface-to-face meeting across the world. and with automatic translation, you can talk to them eventhough they don't speak your language.
  when you're traveling in mongolia, those of you who are graduating and want to take a weekoff, go to mongolia and you fall off your motorcycle, you can get medical care from a doctor thatdoesn't speak your language because your medical records can be right there. this is life changing,life saving, life fundamental .
  imagine a situation, happening very soon, where all of the world's information will betranslated into all the other languages, so we can find out what everybody really thinks. and wecan develop a new insight into what they care about and they can with us. in the next ten years, itwill be possible to have the equivalent of ipods in your purse or on your belt with 85 years ofvideo. which means that if it's given to you at birth, you're going to be frustrated the whole time,you'll never be done watching all the videos. that's how profound this technological revolution is.
  you could ask google the most important questions, like, where are my car keys after all?
  because all of a sudden we'll know where everything is and we can make that available .
  computers are good at some things, and they are particularly good at these sorts of things.
  we can detect flu outbreaks, because we can watch what people are doing quicker. we cando things; here's another example. what i really want is while i'm typing a paper, i want thecomputer to tell me what i should have been writing instead. wouldn't that have been useful?
  another product that we've suggested but has not been built yet is the paper lengtheningproject. it adds ten percent to every paper and its recursive . it would have been very useful. thepoint is that computers really can help you, even though you don't need this anymore now that youare out of college.
  so if you think of mobile phones as a metaphor, as an extension of you, with imagerecognition, avatars and all the technologies that are coming. you can see that the ability for us tomake our lives even more powerful is all right before us.
  so what should you do, right now then? well you should start by listening to george bernardshaw who said that, "all progress depends on the unreasonable man."graduation gives you the courage to be unreasonable. don't bother to have a plan. insteadlet's have some luck. success is really about being ready for the good opportunities that comebefore you. it's not to have a detailed plan about everything you're going to do, you can't planinnovation or inspiration, but you can be ready for it. and when you see it, you can jump on it andyou can make a difference, as many of the people here today have already done.
  the important point here is, if you forego your plan you also then have to forego fear. inmany ways in the last four years and maybe in high school as well, you've been penalized formaking mistakes. from now on, the rewards will gravitate to those who make mistakes and learnfrom them, as the president said.
  so stop right now. take a minute and think of something completely new and go work onthat. take that as your challenge; take that as your opportunity. whatever you care the most about.
  so how should you do it, how should you behave ? well, do it in a group, its much more funanyway. none of us is as smart as all of us. universities now are good at teaching you how towork with other people, it's no longer the lone light sitting in the lab, it's a team.
  and you can see twitter as an example of a form of social intelligence; use it. find a networkof people that care about you and so forth and so on. you can imagine watching watson andcrick, who discovered the structure of dna, did it at a university.
  you can imagine today, there are two people who probably met on facebook at a university.
  and they are going to say to each other, "what are you up to right now?" "oh, i'm finding thesecret of life, then i'm off to a pub. lol." it's okay. do it together.
  but amidst all of this, some truths emerge . leadership and personality matter a lot.
  intelligence, education and analytical reasoning matter. trust matters. in the network world, trustis the most important currency. which brings me to my final question. what is, in fact, themeaning of life. and in a world where everything is remembered and everything is kept forever-the world you are in-you need to live for the future and the things that you really, really careabout.
  and what are those things? well in order to know that, i hate to say it, but you're going tohave to turn off your computer. you're actually going to have to turn off your phone and discoverall that is human around us.
  you'll find that people really are the same all around the world. they really do care about thesame things.
  you'll find that curiosity and enthusiasm and passion are contagious . i see it with thestudents, i see it with the faculty, i see it with the trustees and the president here-it's contagious.
  make it happen, take it with you.
  you'll find that nothing beats holding the hand of your grandchild as he walks his first steps.
  you'll find that a mind set in its ways is a life wasted-don't do it.
  you'll find that the resilience of a human being and the human spirit is amazing. you'll findtoday that the best chance you will ever have is right now, to start being unreasonable. but whenyou do, listen to me, be nice to your parents and true to your school.
  good luck, and thank you very much. thank you.

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