
  • 11-09-04 barely out of nappies, four-year-old maddy jackson is already on the road to womanhood. 英国小萝莉曼迪杰克逊虽然年仅4岁,乳臭未干,但已经走上了成熟女性路线。 showtime: four-year-old maddy performs her dolly parton routine to hundreds of spectators s...

  • 11-07-30 a blind, 100-year-old veteran of the second world war has won a beauty contest in an alabama nursing home. 美国一位双目失明的百岁二战女兵日前在阿拉巴马州养老院举办的选美比赛中夺冠。 felma schrimshire, the newly crowned ms alabama nursing home. felma...

  • 11-06-23 at five o'clock the two ladies retired to dress, and at half past six elizabeth was summoned(传唤,召集) to dinner. to the civil enquiries which then poured in, and amongst which she had the pleasure of distinguishing the much superior solicitude...

  • 11-03-09 a long time ago and far away there lived a king and a queen. they were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born. we must have a grand christening(洗礼) for her, said the king , who was delighted to have a daughter. we must invite a...

  • beauty 美

    10-12-02 a young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to world that lies beyond. it is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic(美的) experience to...

  • 10-10-09 翻译: i wish i could bring you to see my point. 正确译法:我怎么跟你说不明白呢? 原译(错误译法):我希望我能使你明白我的意思。 解析:原译似乎很忠实于原文,但是未能译出其真正的含义。有人建议改译为但愿我能使你明白我的意思,语气也不确切。原句开头的i...

  • 10-09-18 匈牙利首都布达佩斯正在举办世界上首个黑帮选美大赛,所有参赛选手都必须有案底,最终获胜者将得到一部汽车和位于布达佩斯的一套公寓,决赛将在一间曾经被黑帮混战炸毁过的酒吧举行。组织方表示,报名参加选美的有小偷、诈骗犯、帮派份子、银行抢劫犯等各类人员,决赛...

  • 10-09-08 xi shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom(胸部) , so she had a frown(皱眉) on her face when she went out. an ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on...

  • 10-07-03 美国特拉华州选美大赛日前尘埃落定,光头美人卡伊拉马特尔赢得冠军头衔。今年21岁的卡伊拉自幼患有斑秃(俗称鬼剃头),她的胜出无疑挑战了选美惯例。 kayla martell, 21, has been suffering from a disease her entire life. the illness, alopecia areate, has caus...

  • 09-10-17 前一阵的环球小姐选美大赛刚落幕,如今在匈牙利又举行了一场选美比赛。但不同于其他选美比赛的是,这次参加选美的佳丽必须是整过容的,而摘得桂冠的则被称为整容小姐。 请看相关报道: the miss plastic hungary beauty pageant was held friday in budapest, hungary....
