
  • 13-05-21 parents who share a bed with their breastfed baby could face a fivefold increase in the risk of crib death(婴儿猝死综合症) , even if the parents do not smoke, according to a new study. the research was led by the london school of hygiene tropical...

  • 13-01-20 一项最新研究显示,宾馆房间的卫生间才是最适宜用餐的地方,因为那里卫生状况最好。该研究发现,宾馆的卫生间会定期彻底清洁,细菌含量最少;而靠垫和被子等物品则很少清洁,是宾馆房间中最脏的区域。 holidaymakers should think twice before taking their breakfast...

  • 12-07-10 jerry went to a psychiatrist. doc, he said, i've got trouble. every time i get into bed, i think there's somebody under it. i'm going crazy! just put yourself in my hands for one year, said the shrink. come to me three times a week, and i'll cure yo...

  • 12-03-12 bed gravity is an irresistible force that draws you back to bed, or toward any mattress, couch, or other soft horizontal surface. it is usually stronger when one or more persons are already sleeping on that furniture. 床重力是一股让你难以抵抗的力量...

  • 12-03-09 there was only a upper and lower bed which is small, old. obviously, it was stole from a certain school. amy was not used to sleep upper, so i let her sleep in the lower one. we are good friends, after all. we didn't care too much of the bad conditi...

  • 11-11-05 babies should sleep in their mothers bed until they are at least three years old, it was claimed last night. 昨晚发布的研究报告称,至少要到三岁大,宝宝才能和妈妈分床睡。 the controversial advice comes from a paediatrician(儿科专家) who found that...

  • 10-07-03 the japanese government has launched a campaign encouraging people to go to bed and get up extra early in order to reduce household carbon dioxide emissions. 日本政府日前发起一项宣传活动,鼓励人们早睡早起,以减少家庭的二氧化碳排放量。 the morning ch...

  • 10-01-23 酒店连锁企业假日酒店拟于1月底在伦敦和曼彻斯特的分店试行5分钟免费人工暖床服务,以帮助客人更好地入眠。目前,该连锁酒店正在招聘暖床员。据悉,暖床员将会穿着特制的连体睡衣在客人上床之前进行暖床。爱丁堡睡眠中心主任表示,科学研究证明入夜人体温度开始下降的...

  • 09-12-21 waiting for the breeze 祈盼清风 lying in bed, by an open window, and listen..... 窗边静躺,细心聆听 no air-conditioning, how can you sleep? my fiend asks, horrified. i've just revealed that my family had decided to shut the air-conditioner off and t...

  • 09-08-19 scientists say they have evidence that the powerful greenhouse gas methane is escaping from the arctic sea bed. 科学家发现温室效应气体甲烷总北极海岩床渗出的证据。 methane bubbles observed by sonar, escape from sea bed as temperatures rise researcher...
