
  • 10-11-01 more than 30 people have been killed as iraqi security forces stormed a catholic church in central baghdad to free dozens of hostages being held by gunmen there, security sources say. 安全渠道表明,为拯救被歹徒劫持的人质,伊拉克安全部队对巴格达中部...

  • 10-06-15 kenya's church leaders have blamed the government for a grenade attack at a rally on sunday that led to six deaths. 肯尼亚教会领袖谴责政府与周日集会的手榴弹袭击案有关,该袭击造成6人死亡。 the explosions at a nairobi prayer meeting campaigning agains...

  • 10-04-23 a man who says he was the victim of an american paedophile priest is bringing a lawsuit against the pope and the vatican in a us federal court. 一名美国男子自称自己是某恋童癖牧师的受害者,并在一家联邦法院起诉教皇和梵蒂冈。 fr lawrence murphy died in...

  • 10-01-20 malaysian police say they have arrested eight people over the firebombing of a church earlier this month. 马来西亚警方逮捕八名嫌疑犯,他们涉嫌本月早些时候用燃烧弹攻击一座教堂。 a government minister says the church attacks are the work of extremists...

  • 10-01-11 there have been more attacks on churches in malaysia, in a growing dispute over the use of the word allah by non-muslims. 马来西亚的教堂受到越来越多的攻击,纷争就非穆斯林使用真主一词。 black paint was thrown at a baptist church in malacca state the...

  • 09-12-04 russia and the vatican have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, the kremlin has announced. 克里姆林宫宣布,俄罗斯与梵蒂冈建立全面外交关系。 pope benedict and president medvedev held talks at the vatican until now, moscow only had an offic...

  • 09-11-27 the leader of the catholic church in ireland has said he is deeply sorry and ashamed about the widespread sexual abuse of children by priests. 爱尔兰天主教会首领称,他对广泛发生的神父性虐待儿童事件表示深深的歉意和惭愧。 cardinal brady said children'...

  • 09-11-16 the head of the serbian orthodox church, patriarch pavle, has died in belgrade, the church has announced. 塞尔维亚东正教首领、主教pavle在柏尔格雷德逝世。 president tadic said pavle's death was a personal loss the patriarch(主教), 95, became leader...

  • 09-10-19 members of boyzone have paid a moving tribute to bandmate stephen gately at his funeral in dublin. 都柏林葬礼上,男孩地带成员为队友stephen gately作了令人感动的颂词。 jason donovan looks at a tribute to gately outside the church the world has lost on...

  • three pastors 三个牧师的故事

    09-09-29 three pastors three pastors in the south were having lunch in a diner. one said, you know, since summer started ive been having trouble with bats in my loft and attic at church. ive tried everything----noise, spray, cats----nothing seems to scare th...
