
  • 11-01-24 iran has banned the production of valentine's day gifts and any promotion of the day celebrating romantic love to combat what it sees as a spread of western culture, iranian media reported. 据伊朗媒体报道,为抵制西方文化在本国传播,伊朗政府已颁布情...

  • 10-11-21 联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会11月15日在肯尼亚首都内罗毕举行会议,中国的京剧和中医针灸,比利时的阿尔斯特狂欢节、西班牙的弗拉门戈舞蹈、哥伦比亚的瓦尤人社区规范体系、伊朗的卡山地毯编织传统技艺以及由欧洲、亚洲和非洲11个国家共同提交的猎...

  • 10-09-11 美国巴尔的摩大学传播设计学院今年新开了一门研究僵尸的课程,选择这门课的学生将会在老师的带领下欣赏经典的僵尸电影和漫画,在课程结束时无需撰写论文,而要交出一份自己理想中的恐怖电影台词或者绘本。 it is a class to die for - zombie(僵尸,行尸走肉) studie...

  • 10-08-04 where you grow up can have a big impact on the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and even how your brain works. in a report in a special section on culture and psychology in perspectives on psychological science, a journal of the association for p...

  • 10-04-07 global culture officials are to meet to discuss how to recover ancient treasures which they say have been stolen and displayed overseas. 全球文化官员将齐聚埃及首都开罗商讨如何追回被偷盗、在海外被展览的古文化财产。 the us recently returned a 3,000-ye...

  • 快餐文化让我们性格焦躁

    10-03-26 fast food is not only bad for your body, but may also harm your bank account. eating habits have shifted dramatically over the last few decades--fast food has become a multibillion dollar industry that has widespread influence on what and how we eat...

  • 10-03-22 scientists at duke university medical center have identified a new growth factor that stimulates(刺激,鼓励) the expansion and regeneration of hematopoietic(生血的,造血的) (blood-forming) stem cells in culture and in laboratory animals. the dis...

  • 10-03-07 us singer stevie wonder has collected one of france's top cultural honours in paris, 30 years after he was first named to receive it. 美国歌手史蒂夫旺达在巴黎将法国顶级文化荣誉之一收入囊中,时间距他首次被提名该奖项已过去30年。 wonder was named a com...

  • 09-09-12 nicole lin and joe hill made late decision to choose special day for their ceremony couples across new york are taking advantage of wednesday's once-in-a-lifetime date - 09/09/09 - to tie the knot. when justin allsopp, a 29-year-old child advocate,...

  • 09-09-12 nicole lin and joe hill made late decision to choose special day for their ceremony couples across new york are taking advantage of wednesday's once-in-a-lifetime date - 09/09/09 - to tie the knot. when justin allsopp, a 29-year-old child advocate,...
