
  • be determined to go the whole hog 一不做,二不休

    21-12-01 一不做,二不休,汉语俗语,意思是要么不做,做了就索性做到底。指事情既然做了开头,就坚持到底。可以翻译为be determined to go the whole hog,或once it is started, go through with it等。 例句: 到这地步,我们只好一不做二不休。 now that weve gone as far a...

  • too much is as bad as too little 过犹不及

    21-09-07 过犹不及,汉语成语,意思是事情做得过头,就跟做得不够一样,都不合适。可以翻译为going beyond is just as wrong as not going far enough或too much is as bad as too little等。 例句: 阳光或许是最好的消毒剂,但凡事过犹不及。 sunlight may be the best disinf...

  • 10-02-24 i didn't know that i was so far a big battle was going on during the first world war. guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. after an hour of this, one of the soldiers decidedthat the fighting was getting too dangerou...
