
  • 11-05-23 a documentary film that features a paparazzi photograph of princess diana dying after a car crash in paris in 1997 has stirred controversy, three days before it is shown to the media and potential buyers in cannes. 一部记录戴妃1997年巴黎车祸的影片即...

  • 10-11-23 qantas says it is to resume flying some of its a380 superjumbos on saturday. 澳洲航空公司称将于本周六重新使用a380超级客机。 qantas will initially only fly the airbus a380 between london and sydney qantas chief executive alan joyce said he was satisf...

  • 10-10-26 at an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer(击剑者) took the stage(登台演出) . a fly was released, and with an arc(弧) of his sword he cut the fly in half. the crowd cheered. then the second-place man sliced a fly in...

  • 10-09-01 it may seem like birds have the freedom to fly wherever they like, but researchers at the university of missouri have shown that what's on the ground has a great effect on where a bird flies. this information could be used by foresters(林木工人) a...

  • 瑞安航空将推出廉价飞机“站票”

    10-07-11 欧洲廉价航空瑞安航空公司近期表示将推出票价仅为4英镑的站票,乘客可以站着斜靠在一块板上,背部有软垫,肘部有扶手,胸部有安全防护横挡。该航空公司首席执行官表示,他们会将250架飞机内后十排的座位和两个卫生间拆除,改装为15排直立座位,这样每个航班就可以多运...

  • 10-07-03 美国马萨诸塞州一家名为terrafugia(拉丁语意思为:逃离陆地)的公司成功研制出了一款能够在一分钟内从陆地起飞升空的有翅膀的汽车,并将其命名为transition。日前,这款汽车已被美国联邦航空管理局(faa)核准为轻型运动飞机,将能合法地在公路上行驶并能在天空飞行,...

  • 10-07-03 年仅六岁的美国俄亥俄州女童阿丽莎托马斯最近与父母乘飞机从克利夫兰飞往明尼阿波利斯时,赫然发现自己的姓名被美国国土安全部列入禁飞名单,被视为威胁国家安全的可疑人物。 alyssa thomas, 6, is a little girl who is already under the spotlight of the federal g...

  • 10-04-10 世界上首架可实现昼夜飞行的太阳能飞机阳光动力号本周三在瑞士首都伯尔尼附近的一座军用机场成功完成首次试飞。此次试飞持续了87分钟,最高飞行高度达到了1200米。 the solar impulse, which has 12,000 solar cells built into its wings, is a prototype for an airc...

  • 10-02-23 a new strain of mosquitoes in which females cannot fly may help curb the transmission of dengue fever(登革热) , according to uc irvine and british scientists. dengue fever causes severe flulike symptoms(症状) and is among the world's most pressi...

  • 09-10-15 flies that cannot make a type of pheromone are sexually irresistible to other flies - regardless of gender. 苍蝇自身并不能制造出一种不可抗拒的性吸引外激素排除性别因素。 the pheromone-secreting cells expressed a fluorescent protein scientists bred fr...
