
  • 10-10-13 people's brains are more responsive to friends than to strangers, even if the stranger has more in common, according to a study in the oct. 13 issue of the journal of neuroscience. researchers examined a brain region known to be involved in processi...

  • 10-10-06 with over 500 million users worldwide, facebook has become a global phenomenon, a vast cyber neighborhood where friends meet to share photos, news and gossip. but when those relationships sour(变酸,失望) , another phenomenon often occurs unfriend...

  • 10-09-18 ever found yourself dumped by a friend embarking on a romance? don't worry, you're probably not the only one. for according to oxford university scientists, every time we start a relationship we jettison two of our closest friends. 你是否曾发现自己...

  • 10-08-24 before the time of this story, people in asia used to say that there would never be a time when an elephant and a dog would be friends. elephants simply did not like dogs, and dogs were afraid of elephants. when dogs are frightened by those who are...

  • 10-06-05 two might be company and three a crowd, but it seems four is perfect when it comes to friends. 两个人做伴,三个人结群,但说到有几个朋友合适的问题,四个似乎最理想。 the average woman needs this number at any one time(在任何时候) in her life, a stud...

  • 10-04-12 marjorie baer used to joke about her retirement plans. she wasn't married and had no kids, but she didn't intend to be aloneshe and all her single friends would move into a fictional(虚构的,小说的) home she called casa de biddies. instead, baer d...

  • 10-03-24 己所不欲,勿施于人。what you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 性相近也,习相远也。by nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wide apart. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? is it not delightful to have friends coming from di...

  • 10-03-24 if ever(假如,要是) the scene had been set, this was it. a week in paris. he is strikingly(显著地,突出地) handsome with his classic californian good looks and a smile that could melt butter, and i am probably at my physical peak, with wavy brow...

  • 10-01-06 虽然伊丽莎白远在千里之外,我只能偶尔见到她,但是我们所拥有的永远是朋友的相框和挂盒能帮助我们弥补彼此的思念之情。 所以,亲爱的寂寞者,与朋友分开并没有那么糟,照片、信件、电话、电子邮件以及美好的记忆都能拉近朋友之间的友谊。 dear arizona, my friend is...

  • 09-10-30 get-togethers(聚会) with a kidney disease patient's family and friends can improve their willingness to consider donation, according to a paper being presented at the american society of nephrology's 42nd annual meeting and scientific exposition i...
