
  • 21-09-10 如果形容某人做事的状态是 full steam ahead, 意思就是此人全力以赴, 蓬勃向前。 例句 we must get this project finished before the presentation tomorrow. come on, full steam ahead, team! natalie went full steam ahead with the plans for her wedding. john,...

  • 21-09-07 如果你工作的时候 at full stretch, 那意思就是你在全力以赴抓紧时间干活儿。 例句 the harsh weather conditions caused several accidents early this week and the emergency services were at full stretch. when the factory works at full stretch it can produ...

  • 21-08-19 短语 full of hot air 可以形容某人夸夸其谈、纸上谈兵。 例句 my boss keeps promising to give me a pay rise but the extra money never comes. he is full of hot air! my mate phillip is full of hot air - he says he know lots of celebrities, but i know its...

  • 21-08-10 full steam ahead 意思是充满信心地和精力饱满地全速前进。 例句 weve had months of setbacks but now its full steam ahead. we should have the new product out by april. were going full steam ahead with our plans to extend the kitchen. 请注意 不要把这个短...

  • 21-01-07 满载而归,汉语成语,原指装得满满地回来(return fully loaded),形容收获很大,取得丰硕成果。可以翻译为come back with fruitful results。 例句: 人们到这家商店来总是满载而归。 people would go into the store and come out with their arms full. 人们热烈欢...

  • 20-10-13 full of beans不是满是豆子 充满了豆子?这个就比较有意思了,可能是指你吃完豆子才能充满活力吧!就跟吃了菠菜那样神奇,它的真实意思也就和这个差不多啦! 因为通常是用来形容那些充满活力的小孩子,总是喜欢乱动,没有一刻是能停下来的~ 举个例子: you seem full o...

  • 13-01-15 people who eat quickly until full are three times more likely to be overweight, a problem exacerbated by the availability of fast food and the decline of orderly dining habits, japanese researchers said on wednesday. the findings, published in the b...

  • 12-12-26 one day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of students and, to drive home(使人理解) a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. as he stood in front of the group of overachievers(成绩超过预料的学生) he said...

  • 12-08-29 the united nations educational scientific and cultural organization granted the palestinians full membership on monday, a step forward in their long-running efforts to achieve recognition before the world as an independent state. 联合国教科文组织周...

  • 沉寂三年,robbie宣告回归

    09-10-21 robbie williams has launched his bid to return to the top of british pop with his first full concert for three years. robbie williams沉寂三年以来首次举办演唱会,并试图以此回归英国流行榜首位。 robbie williams mixed new material with old favourites at...
