
  • 22-01-10 满腹经纶,汉语成语,意思是满肚子学问、本领,形容人很有才学和智谋。可以翻译为be profoundly learned and talented,ones mind is full of learning等。 例句: 他雄才大略满腹经纶,是个不可多得的人才。 he has great knowledge and bold vision and is a rare ge...

  • 21-05-06 the little girl performed her long journey in safety; and at northampton was met by mrs. norris, who thus regaled in the credit of being foremost to welcome her, and in the importance of leading her in to the others, and recommending her to their ki...

  • 20-10-19 1. youre a natural. 你真是无师自通。 虽然natural常做形容词使用,意思是自然的;正常的,但在这里,它是名词,指天生就具备某种才能的人。 2. youve got a gift for it. 你有做这事的天赋。 名词gift除了有礼物的意思之外,还可以用来描述一个人做事的才能或天赋。...

  • 20-10-17 工作中总会遇到那种脑子超级好使的人,这时候总是情不自禁的想夸一句:你好聪明啊! 但英语不能直译为:()youre so clever. 因为:clever表示:小孩头脑灵活,学东西超快,用在成人身上表示:自作小聪明。 所以,youre so clever其实是说:你这是个爱自作小聪明的人...

  • 16-05-17 according to conventional wisdom the line between genius and madness is a very thin one. now a study suggests the line may be even more blurred than previously thought. 传统观点认为天才和疯子只有一线之隔。如今有研究显示他们之间的界限比以前更模糊了。...

  • 14-08-26 but, said the genius, if i grant you the delay you ask, i am afraid that you will not come back. i give you my word of honour, answered the merchant, that i will come back without fail. how long do you require? asked the genius. i ask you for a year...

  • the adventures of prince camaralzaman 3

    14-05-22 by no means, replied maimoune. i have no idea of being under any obligation to an accursed(讨厌的) genius like you. i refer the matter to an umpire(裁判员) , and shall expect you to submit to his verdict. danhasch readily agreed, and on maimoune...

  • 12-06-18 a man who suffered concussion after diving into a shallow pool has made a seemingly improbable discovery: it made him a musical genius. 美国一名男子在一个较浅的游泳池跳水导致脑震荡,之后却意外发现这起事故使他成为了音乐天才。 famous fan: matt lauer q...
