
  • 10-06-11 a us teenage girl sailing solo around the world is thought to be in distress in a remote area of the indian ocean. 一位独自环绕世界航行的美国少女可能在遥远的印度洋海域遭遇困境。 abby sunderland began her voyage in january californian sailor abby sun...

  • 10-05-17 mildred orme(榆木) , seated in the snuggest corner of the big front porch of the kraummer farmhouse, was as content as a girl need hope to be. this was no such farm as one reads about in humorous fiction. here were swelling(膨胀的,肿大的) acres...

  • 10-03-17 oprah winfrey must defend a defamation case filed against her by the former headmistress of her girls' school in south africa, a us judge has ruled. 一位美国法官裁定,奥普拉温弗瑞在南非创办的女子学校的一位前女校长起诉其破坏了自己的名誉。 oprah winfr...

  • 09-11-26 once upon a time . . . in the immense russian steppe, lay a little village where nearly all the inhabitants bred horses. it was the month of october, when a big livestock market was held yearly in the main town. two brothers, one rich and the other...

  • 09-10-05 改革开放之风首先由南方吹来,由此引起的南言北渐成了一个有趣的现象。比如酷男、靓女都是从南方传到北方,并进入普通话的。酷男的酷是英文cool的音译,表示时髦、与众不同等意思,酷男就是cool guy(guy一词在流行英语中已取代了man),而靓女的靓本来是粤语方言,意为...

  • 09-09-30 this is a story of the time when humans first walked the earth. and in those days they did not wear clothes, for they did not know how to weave cloth. one day, the god matai decided to teach the art of weaving to one person. the god taught a girl ca...

  • 09-09-30 there once was a place where all the people were happy and content. everyone was friendly and neighborly. even the dogs and cats played together. then one day a stranger was seen walking toward the village: a tall, tall stranger. as the stranger, wh...

  • 09-09-01 a us woman, kidnapped as a child and held for 18 years, bonded with her alleged captor and helped to run his printing firm, according to reports. 报道称,孩童时期被绑架并且被拘禁18年的美国妇女,帮助运营其绑架嫌疑人的印刷公司。 jaycee lee dugard repo...

  • 09-08-28 a us woman found after being abducted as a girl in 1991 gave birth to two children fathered by her alleged kidnapper, police say. 美国警方称,一位1991年被拐走的女孩、现在已经是拐骗者两个孩子母亲的妇女被发现。 there have been few clues as to jaycee l...

  • 09-08-22 a baby girl, soon after her birth in new delhi. more girls were born in delhi than boys last year for the first time, according to official figures, after parents were given cash bonuses of 125 for each new daughter as part of a drive to stamp out f...
