
  • 11-02-17 汉语结构助词得一般用在动词或形容词之后,连接补语成分,表示能力、可能性、结果、程度等。汉语的得字,可根据其语法功能,利用英语的词法或句法手段翻译。 1. 用情态助动词翻译得字 英语的情态助动词can, could, be able to可以表示能力;may, might, can, could表示...

  • 10-11-22 almost four in ten american couples now believe that marriage is becoming obsolete, according to a new survey published yesterday. 根据昨天发布的一项新调查,如今近四成美国情侣认为结婚正在变得过时。 more than ever before, people in the us are coming...

  • 10-11-04 there are some people who are completely happy with themselves, their lives, and their prospects for the future. while they can be considered to be more fortunate than most, most who do not fall into that category are not as bad off(境况不好的,穷...

  • 10-08-22 taking frequent short breaks is better for you than one long holiday, research has found. 一项研究发现,不时休休短假比一次性休一个长假给人带来的快乐更多。 psychologists(心理学家) believe that people who use their holiday allowance in bursts rather...

  • 10-07-25 romantic comedies might provide 90 minutes of light-hearted fun but the happy-ever-after movies are also impacting people's real love lives, according to an australian survey. 澳大利亚一项调查显示,浪漫喜剧片可能会给人们带来90分钟的轻松快乐,但这种...

  • 10-01-06 虽然伊丽莎白远在千里之外,我只能偶尔见到她,但是我们所拥有的永远是朋友的相框和挂盒能帮助我们弥补彼此的思念之情。 所以,亲爱的寂寞者,与朋友分开并没有那么糟,照片、信件、电话、电子邮件以及美好的记忆都能拉近朋友之间的友谊。 dear arizona, my friend is...

  • 10-01-06 本文选自美国作家jim willis的畅销书《pieces of my heart-----writings inspired by animals and nature》,该书以自述的形式讲述了一只家犬对昔日主人的真情告白。当年作者用七千美元以全版广告的形式在报纸上刊登了该文章,以一篇文章感动了所有的读者。 when i was...

  • 09-09-30 people have different views about which are the best years of one's life. one common idea is that the teenage years form this happy period. the modern irish novelist, edna o'brien, is particularly sensitive to the views of young women, and perhaps o...

  • 09-08-30 wednesday not monday is the worst day of the week, according to research by two american applied mathematicians. wednesday not monday is the worst day of the week, according to research by two american applied mathematicians. professors christopher...

  • 09-08-10 most people get happier as they grow older, studies on people aged up to their mid-90s suggest. 基于45岁左右的人的调查显示,大多数人随着年龄的增长会变得更快乐。 older people appear better able to control their emotions despite worries about ill heal...
