
  • 09-09-12 杭州市西湖区卫生局门口,雷闯兴奋地做出了v字手势。作为乙肝病毒携带者的他拿到全省乃至全国第一张从事食品行业的健康证。雷闯把这一天称为值得纪念的日子,他说:这是争取乙肝病毒携带者权益的重大胜利。 请看新华社的报道: a university graduate who fought discr...

  • 09-09-11 the link between poverty and early death is as strong today as it was a century ago, a study shows. 调查显示,一个世纪以前早逝和贫穷之间的联系与现在一样强烈。 in 1900, a third of all deaths were in under fives despite major changes in the causes of...

  • obama faces us congress on health 奥巴马医疗改革面临国会审核

    09-09-10 us president barack obama is making one of the most critical speeches of his presidency, as he faces congress over his plans for healthcare reform. 美国总统奥巴马将要做他在位期间一次至关重要的演讲,他将就医疗改革面临国会的审核。 mr obama has said he...

  • 09-08-24 a new picture of fidel castro has been published in a state-run newspaper, apparently showing cuba's ailing former leader in much better health. 古巴政府下的报纸发布了卡斯特罗一张新照片,显示这位古巴前领导人健康情况很好。 castro's health appears vis...

  • 09-08-08 remarks by the president at health care reform town hall the president: hello, everybody. thank you. thank you. thank, please, everybody have a seat. thank you. hello! (applause.) hello, shaker heights! hello, ohio! it is great to be here. there are...

  • 09-08-08 remarks by the president on health care and the senate vote on f-22 funding the president: good afternoon, everybody. before i talk about the progress were making on health insurance reform, i want to say a few words about a very important vote that...

  • 09-08-08 英国伦敦卫生和热带医学学院的研究人员最近发现,有机食品的营养价值和有利健康因素与常规食品并没有多大差别。他们检索了过去50年中公开发表过的数万篇相关文献,并对其中162篇进行了系统分析;结果发现,多数常见营养成分在有机食品和常规食品中的含量没有明显差异。...

  • 09-07-30 organic food is no healthier than ordinary food, a large independent review has concluded. 一项大的独立审查得出结论,有机食品并不比普通食品更健康。 more than 50 studies were included in the review there is little difference in nutritional value and...

  • 09-07-28 divorce has a lingering, detrimental impact on health that even remarriage cannot fully repair, a study suggests. 一项调查显示,离婚对于健康有持续的、有害的影响,即使再婚也不能完全恢复。 stressful relationships can be bad for your health a chicago s...

  • public warned about health mots 公众健康检查警告

    09-07-23 private health checks offer poor value for money and can lead to painful and often possibly dangerous tests, a consumer group says. 一个消费团体表示,私人健康检查钱花的不值,可能会导致痛苦的甚至经常危险的检查。 an estimated 100m is spent on health m...
