
  • 14-11-11 mom jeans is the informal term now used to refer to a style of women's jeans which have a high waist above the belly button and are loose-fitting, often with excess material around the crotch and legs. bucking the trend for fading techniques and dif...

  • 13-01-20 young women in a village in india have been banned from wearing jeans and t-shirts because elders say they encourage rape. 印度一座村庄的年轻女性被禁止穿牛仔裤和t恤,因为村中的长者说这种衣服会鼓励强奸。 lawmakers in khedar, in the hisar region of no...

  • 13-01-20 美国牛仔品牌wrangler推出了一款具有保湿功能的紧身牛仔裤。据介绍,这款牛仔裤的布料中含有杏仁油和乳木果油等成分,可以在穿着时对皮肤起到滋润作用,同时还有助于减少大腿上的脂肪。 we're all for hydrating(保湿) our skin during the dry winter season, but a...

  • 12-05-18 the orange thread traditionally used to sew levi strauss blue jeans was intentionally selected to match the copper rivets(铆钉) that doubled the durability of the jeans. levi strauss, however, neither envisioned this particular use for copper rive...

  • “计算机牛仔裤”在荷兰问世

    12-02-26 if you struggle to spend more than a few moments away from your computer then a new invention could be for you. 如果你离开电脑一会儿就感到纠结,那么这款新发明对你很合适。 a pair of dutch inventors have developed a set of jeans that give a whole new...

  • 11-08-26 影片对白 tibby: beautiful dress! love it! carmen: we'd been a foursome for as long as i could remember. girls: where are we going? we're going over there. carmen: in fact, we were a foursome before we were born. coach: ...and seven. anyone feel any...

  • 11-08-16 精彩对白 nora: mom! jethro's eating my underwear! here, piggy, piggy, piggy. jethro. ian: mom, before she starts, there isn't a shred of evidence to support her allegations. farren: gillian, your son is a psycho . he booby-trapped my hair dryer. ian...

  • 11-06-04 finding the perfect pair of jeans usually requires patience, luck and several frustrating hours behind a changing room curtain. 买到非常合身的牛仔裤通常不仅需要耐心、运气,还需要在试衣间里苦战几小时。 the scanner, which is around 10ft tall and 5ft w...

  • 10-01-09 more than a quarter of british women believe fitting into an old pair of jeans again would feel better than sex, according to research. 一项调查显示,英国超过四分之一的女性认为能够重新穿上一条昔日牛仔裤的感觉比做爱还要好。 the poll by cereal special...

  • 09-10-31 日本首相鸠山由纪夫的夫人鸠山幸近日获得了由日本牛仔裤协会颁发的牛仔裤达人奖,颁奖方称鸠山夫人把牛仔裤穿出得很优雅,而且还带点新潮的感觉。在颁奖现场,鸠山夫人表示,这是她一直很向往获得的奖项,并称自己很喜欢穿牛仔裤,而且还鼓励丈夫平时多穿牛仔裤。在此...
