
  • 德国发明家对付偷吃问题的好点子

    15-09-05 there's nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of nutella on warm toast for breakfast - only to find that someone has cleaned out the jar. 本想在热乎乎的早餐面包片上涂点能多益(注:一种意大利产的榛子巧克力酱),却发现不知谁把它吃光了,世间...

  • the english humour

    14-12-22 fun seems to be the possession of the english race. fun is johnbulll's idea of humour, and there is no intellectualjudgment in fun. everybody understands it be-cause it is practical. more than that, it unites allclasses and sweetens even political l...

  • 14-05-14 the baker, who had of course been only in joke, was exceedingly surprised at my cleverness, and the woman, who was at last convinced that the man spoke the truth, produced another piece of money in its place. when she had gone, my master was so plea...

  • 14-02-13 detonation ocean vuong there's a joke that ends with-- huh ? it's the bomb saying here is your father. now here is your father inside your lungs. look how lighter the earth is--afterward. to even write the word father is to carve a portion of the da...

  • 13-09-02 an in-joke , also known as an inside joke or in joke, is a joke whose humor is clear only to people who are in a particular social group, occupation, or other community of common understanding; an esoteric joke. it is humorous only to those who know...

  • 13-03-28 片段对白 matt: girls, let me go in for just a quick moment alone first. i'll be right out. you were gonna ask for a divorce so you could be with some fucking fuckhead, brian speer? are you kidding me? who are you? the only thing i know for sure is y...

  • 11-06-11 as mark twain observed, a german joke is no laughing matter. 就像马克吐温说的那样,德国笑话一点都不好笑。 sadly for the nation that brought us everything from beethoven to lederhosen, it seems that everyone agrees. germany has been voted the least f...

  • 11-03-15 a blind man walks into a bar, taps the man next him, and says, hey, wanna hear a blond joke? the man says back to the blind man, look buddy, i'm blond. the man behind me is a 400-pound professional wrestler(摔跤选手) and he is blond. the bouncer(...

  • 10-10-17 britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy, according to a survey on friday. 根据周五发布的一项调查,对于英国人来说,年龄超过52岁没什么好高兴的,因为过了52岁,人的脾气就会见长。...

  • 10-04-05 you've been planning the best april fool's day joke to play on your co-workers, but before you go ahead with it, you should know that your co-workers are unlikely to approve. 也许你一直在谋划愚人节这天搞个什么恶作剧来戏弄同事一把,但在行动之前,你应...
