
  • northanger abbey - chapter 27

    21-11-29 the next morning brought the following very unexpected letter from isabella: bath, april my dearest catherine, i received your two kind letters with the greatest delight, and have a thousand apologies to make for not answering them sooner. i really...

  • 21-11-18 情有独钟,汉语成语,是指对某人或某事特别有感情,把自己的心思和感情都集中到上面。 可以翻译为love something/someone in particular,show special preference/favour to或only have eyes for等。 例句: 她对这出戏情有独钟。 she shows a marked preference for...

  • 文学作品中十大浪漫告白情话

    21-11-10 1 emily bronte 艾米莉勃朗特 whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. 不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的, 他的和我的是一模一样的。 2 a. a. milne 米尔恩 if you live to be a hundred, i want to live to be a hundred minus one day so i never ha...

  • 21-11-02 fall for something意为allow oneself to be persuaded by something,相信某事。 例: the salesman said the car was in good condition, and i was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这辆汽车状况良好, 而我竟傻到信以为真。 例: im surprised you fell fo...

  • 武大《恋爱心理学》讲座爆火

    21-10-26 近日,武汉大学名为《恋爱心理学》的讲座爆火,小小的课堂装不下同学们对知识(恋爱)的向往。 来晚的同学一度爬上窗台、蹲在过道、挤满教室门口,我排着队,拿着爱的号码牌一起感受这场沉浸式谈恋爱: a lecture on love has become wildly popular in wuhan universi...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 5

    21-10-23 1.the national epic of the anglo-saxons is ____. a robin hood b sir gawain and the green knight c the canterbury tales d beowulf 2. ____was the most outstanding single romance on the arthurian legend written in alliterative verse. a the canterbury t...

  • 21-09-25 刻骨铭心,汉语成语,字面意思是imprint on the bones and inscribe on the memory,形容留下的印象极其深刻,永远忘不了。可以翻译为be engraved in/on ones mind/memory等。 例句: 你是否曾经历过刻骨铭心的爱? have you ever experienced an unforgettable love s...

  • 球拍比赛结果为什么“零”会念成love

    21-08-03 这两天看奥运会球类运动,听到英文报比分时,把0念成love,而不是zero。 报比分时把零称为love,跟爱情没有任何关系,这里有个挺有趣的典故。 其实love表示比赛中的零是根据法语中蛋这个单词的发音而来的。 看来法国人和中国人一样啊,都把零分比作蛋啊!零蛋零蛋么 这...

  • 21-07-26 1. when you pet them 抚摸它们时 dog - ooh! i love being petted, this is perfect. i love you human. i love you so much, you are amazing. 狗:哦,我喜欢被抚摸,太舒服了,我喜欢你主人,我太爱你了,你真好。 cat - i wanna be petted, but i also wanna scra...

  • 21-07-22 当你处于 out on a limb 的情况时,这就是说你处于一个孤立无援或者是比较危险的状态。这并不意味你的身体将受到伤害,而更多的是指一个人的处境不利,会造成尴尬或者失望。 例句 im going to go out on a limb here and tell you that i love you. she really went ou...
