
  • 13-04-17 原文: 鸿渐忍不住道:我也算过命,今年运气坏得很,各位不怕连累么?(钱钟书 -《围城》 ) 译文: hung-chien could not help remarking, i had my fortune told, too. my luck has been terrible this year. aren't you all afraid of getting involved in my bad l...

  • 12-06-14 we do not know when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. historical evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over 3,000 years ago ate salted fish. thousands of years a...

  • 11-10-22 san diego, which has been touted as having one of the best climates in the united states, is also the luckiest, according to a new ranking. 根据最新排名,被奉为美国气候最宜人城市之一的圣地亚哥,也是全美最幸运城市。 the sunny southern california city...

  • 11-09-17 they say money doesn't grow on trees. but it certainly appears to do so on the mysterious coin-studded trunks dotted around the uk's woodland. 众所周知,天上不会掉馅饼,树上也不会长钱,但在遍布英国的林地里,却长满了神秘的嵌满硬币的摇钱树。 woodland...

  • 11-08-07 泰国首都曼谷东北方向107公里的地方有一个寺庙,每天定时为前来祈求好运的人们举办重生仪式,帮助他们扫除厄运,祈求健康长寿。 pram manee temple in nakorn nayok province, 107 km northeast of bangkok, holds two of the rituals every day: at exactly 9:09 a.m....

  • 11-06-21 in the spring and autumn period, a farmer in the state of song was one day working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump(树桩) accidentally and break its neck. the farmer took the rabbit home, and cooked himself a delicious mea...

  • 10-12-17 right in the middle of japan, high in the mountain, an old man lived in his little house. he found in one corner of the room an old iron kettle. he decided to use it to boil water. to his surprise, the kettle became a strange creature when it was on...

  • 10-09-25 life holds many frustrations for left-handed people from the everyday items designed for right-handers to folklore saying they are in league with the devil. 对于左撇子来说,生活中有许多令人懊恼的事情,日常物件多是为右撇子设计的,民间传说还说他们是魔...

  • 10-02-24 幸运的是,我们在储物柜里找到了这顶丢失的幸运帽。同样幸运的是,我发现戴不戴这顶滑稽的帽子,我都能交到好运。所以,完美的演出并不是因为帽子,玛瑞娅说,那只是瞎猜而已,也许这是你过去一个月里反复练习的结果。 你可以说幸运的原因有很多,包括做好准备,相信自...

  • 09-09-29 rope or ox? the man in the prison asked a new comer why he was sent there. the new comer answered: i am out of luck, i think. a few days ago i was walking in the street when i saw a piece of dirty rope. i thought nobody wanted it and so i picked it...
