
  • 23-06-30 春节假期期间,红红火火的文旅活动,持续升温的假日经济,彰显着中国发展的活力和韧性,极大提振了市场复苏的信心。 tourism operators in china are in high spirits because the market saw a good chance of a robust recovery during the spring festival holiday...

  • 22-12-31 促进春节消费 boost consumption during spring festival holiday 1月16日,国家发展改革委发布《关于做好近期促进消费工作的通知》(以下简称《通知》),强调在精准有效做好疫情防控前提下,抓住春节等传统佳节消费旺季契机,满足居民节日消费需求,进一步释放居民消...

  • 22-12-31 中国人民银行20日宣布,当日在香港成功发行50亿元人民币央行票据。此次发行受到境外投资者广泛欢迎,表明人民币资产对境外投资者有较强吸引力,也反映了全球投资者对中国经济的信心。 financial analysts said the market response to the peoples bank of chinas issu...

  • 22-12-24 近期召开的中央经济工作会议指出,做好经济工作,必须坚持推进高水平对外开放,稳步扩大规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放。12月19日,分析人士和企业高管表示,中国努力构建高水平开放制度体系,推进加入高标准经贸协定,将进一步提振2023年市场预期和全球企业信心...

  • 22-12-21 the market was bustling. in several stands, grocers called out their wares , advertising the freshest vegetables, the plumpest fruits. a handsome florist held out a bouquet of bright daisies to a group of girls, causing them to giggle and avert thei...

  • 22-12-20 six years passed, and true to her word, ella stayed kind and courageous. she continued to make sure the littlest birds got just as much food as the big birds at the fountain. she made sure to say good morning and good evening to the cooks and maids...

  • 22-12-12 今年11月,金融管理部门推出多项举措,整合多种手段,涉及保交楼、预售监管资金、房企并购等多个方面,打出房地产金融组合拳,促进房地产市场健康发展。 with a high frequency of supportive measures issued by financial regulators in november, the property mark...

  • 22-12-12 今年前10个月,中国汽车市场顶住芯片短缺、原材料涨价、疫情影响等压力,稳步前行。中国汽车工业协会近日发布的数据显示,1-10月,中国的汽车出口量创下新高,其中新能源汽车10月份出口10.9万辆,环比增长1.2倍,同比增长81.2%。 chinas auto export industry register...
