
  • 10-07-13 older adults with low levels of vitamin d appear more likely to experience declines in thinking, learning and memory over a six-year period, according to a report in the july 12 issue of archives of internal medicine, one of the jama/archives journa...

  • 10-07-09 scientists have discovered a compound that restores the capacity to form new memories in aging rats, likely by improving the survival of newborn neurons(神经原,神经细胞) in the brain's memory hub. the research, funded in part by the national inst...

  • 10-06-29 new research led by the university of leicester and published in a prestigious(有名望的) international scientific journal has revealed for the first time the mechanism(机制,原理) by which memories are formed. the study in the department of cell...

  • 10-05-28 the name of a poet our teacher was telling us about a new system of memory training being used in some schools today. it works like this, she said. suppose you wanted tore member the name of a poetrobert burns, for instance. she told us to think of...

  • 10-05-16 with their french colleagues, researchers at the university of helsinki have found a mechanism in the memory centre of newborn that adjusts(校准,调整) the maturation(成熟) of the brain for the information processing required later in life. the...

  • 10-05-04 smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to 20% by changing what type of memory they use. 采用三星新式存储模块的智能手机,其电池使用时间将延长20%。 the memory reads and writes data faster than existing technologies samsung has announ...

  • 10-04-01 the strongest known recurrent(周期性的,复发的) genetic cause of schizophrenia(精神分裂症) impairs communications between the brain's decision-making and memory hubs(枢纽,中心) , resulting in working memory deficits, according to a study in m...

  • 研究:记忆测试可检测早期痴呆

    09-11-03 memory and language tests can reliably reveal hidden early dementia, say uk experts. 英国专家称,记忆和语言测试可以可靠地显示隐藏的早期痴呆。 dementia is a progressive disease most dementias are missed for years as the symptoms can be elusive(难捉...

  • 09-10-16 with the help of mice scampering through a virtual maze, scientists have taken recordings from inside individual brain cells, or neurons. 通过老鼠浏览虚拟迷宫的帮助,科学家得以记录下来单个脑细胞或者说神经元的内部活动。 you could alter an environment...

  • 09-09-30 on the day of his wedding, everyone, including peter, was happy. he could hardly wait to show liese the house he had built for her. at the wedding feast he glanced over at his mother. he noticed for the first time how gray her hair had grown recentl...
