
  • 10-11-01 a new study by university of north carolina at chapel hill and norwegian researchers has found that women with anorexia nervosa(神经性厌食) are much more likely to have both unplanned pregnancies and induced(感应的,诱发型) abortions than women...

  • 10-10-27 the method used to assess infertility(不毛,贫瘠) in at-home tests might not be the best for identifying which women will have trouble getting pregnant, according to new research from the university of north carolina at chapel hill school of medic...

  • 10-09-26 a new study has determined that teenagers who have abortions(堕胎,流产) are no more likely to become depressed or have low self-esteem than their peers whose pregnancies do not end in abortion. the study conducted by researchers from oregon state...

  • 10-03-20 maternity services for obese women are not good enough and may be putting mothers-to-be at risk, experts warn. 专家警告,对于肥胖妇女的产科服务做的不够好,可能使这些准妈妈们处于危险之中。 new guidelines are being issued to the nhs the centre for mat...

  • 10-01-27 women with higher blood levels of pbdes多溴联苯醚 , a type of flame retardant抑制剂 commonly found in household consumer products消费品 , took longer to become pregnant compared with women who have lower pbde levels, according to a new study by rese...

  • 10-01-21 in recent years, there has been a large increase in the prevalence流行,普遍 of overweight and obese肥胖的 women of childbearing age, with approximately大约,近似 51% of non-pregnant women ages 20 to 39 being classified as overweight or obese. a new...

  • 10-01-05 if you're pregnant and looking for an excuse to eat bacon咸肉,腌肉 and eggs, now you've got one: a new research study published in the january 2010 print issue of the faseb journal ( by a team of university of north carolina r...

  • 09-08-22 突尼斯一名妇女被医院确诊怀有十二胞胎,并且刚好是六男六女。这个消息瞬时盖过美国八胞胎的风头,成为人们议论的热点。据报道,这名妇女在经历了两次流产后到医院接受相关生育治疗,而这罕见的十二胞胎就是治疗的直接结果。夫妇二人最初以为是双胞胎,可是后来有更多...

  • 09-08-14 a swine flu vaccination campaign will be launched in the autumn, but only certain at risk groups, including pregnant women, will be given the jab. 猪流感疫苗接种活动将于今秋展开,但是只有包括怀孕妇女在内的特殊群体才可接受注射。 those with underlying...

  • 09-08-08 近年来,走进摄影棚拍摄大肚裸照的孕妇越来越多。在日本,这一现象在流行歌手瞳(hitomi)去年六月随新专辑发布了自己的孕期写真集后愈加凸显。由于越来越多的日本女性选择晚育,使得怀孕过程成为她们一生仅此一次的珍贵体验,而拍摄孕期裸照则成为很多晚育女性纪录这...
