
  • 13-05-05 a us man has shown off a 14-year-old mcdonald's hamburger that looks the same as the day he bought it. 一个美国人近日展示了自己14年前买的一个麦当劳汉堡,这个汉堡和当初他买的时候一模一样。 david whipple, a california man, has saved a fast-food hambur...

  • 13-04-10 sellers mostly focus on the desirability(有利条件) of a product when setting prices. buyers, however, focus evenly on the product itself and what's entailed in using it, according to a new study in the journal of consumer research. sellers tend to...

  • 12-08-08 tryvertising essentially takes product placement to the real world, integrating products into the daily life of consumers so they can make up their minds based on their actual experience with the products. 体验式广告让植入式广告走进现实生活,通过把...

  • 12-08-01 the ikea effect is when people buy and then construct products themselves, they develop an attachment or sense of pride to this object. the ikea effect leads people to value things that they assemble, customize or build themselves more highly than p...

  • 12-02-21 aggressive infections in hospitals are an increasing health problem worldwide. the development of bacterial resistance is alarming. now a young danish scientist has found a natural substance in a chilean rainforest plant that effectively supports th...

  • 11-09-20 in a sales company, the boss said to one of his employees, the main thing to remember is repetition, repetition, repetition! that's the key! if you have a product to sell, keep harping on it in every way possible. repeat it; cram it down people's th...

  • 10-12-29 woody ornamental plants(观赏植物) with colorful or unusually shaped stems, buds, flowers, or fruits represent a growing specialty niche in cut flower production markets. these unique plants can be good prospects for off-season production, offering...

  • 10-03-23 research into why people look favorably(顺利地,亲切地) on a product shows thatas in real lifeeverything is relative. according to a new study in the journal of consumer research, what we think of a product or brand, or how positively or negativel...

  • 10-01-08 the house of lords science and technology committee has criticised the food industry for being secretive about its use of nanotechnology. 英国上议院技术委员会批评食品行业对于纳米技术使用的保密行为。 nanotechnology is appearing in an ever-wider range...

  • 09-08-30 古语说:物以稀为贵,应该没几个人不赞成吧。越稀有的东西,就越被人追捧,人们想要得到它的愿望也就越强烈。古时候,外邦进贡的稀罕玩意儿只有皇室贵族大臣们有机会把玩。到了现在,进口商品随处可见,只要有钱,你就可以拥有。没钱?那你可以去买grey product(水货...
