
  • 一些幽默风趣又嘲讽力max的格言警句

    21-11-22 the proof of good parenting: that the child has no desire to be famous. 受过良好教养的证明:孩子对出名没兴趣。 f. scott fitzgerald (1896-1940) 美国作家弗朗西斯斯科特菲茨杰拉德 the true indicator of a mans character is the health of his wife. 一个男...

  • 21-02-07 hard/ solid/ irrefutable/ conclusive/ undeniable/ incontrovertible/ proof/ evidence 实锤即确凿的证据,在英语中,有许多词可以与proof/ evidence搭配,表示确凿的证据,如:hard, solid, irrefutable, conclusive, undeniable, incontrovertible, reliable, clea...

  • 13-10-19 an international team of scientists has provided proof of a key feature of quantum physics -- heisenberg's error-disturbance relation -- more than 80 years after it was first suggested. one of the basic concepts in the world of quantum mechanics is...

  • 09-08-04 scientists say they have genetic proof malaria spread by mosquitoes jumped species from chimpanzees to humans. 科学家称他们已经找到遗传证据证明通过蚊子传播的疟疾可以从黑猩猩跳跃物种到人身上。 a chimp from the mfou national park in cameroon by lookin...
