
  • 21-02-27 你会给一场强大暴风雨起个什么名字?想不出来?没关系。 go home and shut all the windows because abigail is coming! in this case, abigail is not a very angry lady, but the name of a storm chosen by the public in an initiative by the uk weather service,...

  • 21-01-28 出洋相,中文俗语,意思是指在人前出丑,闹笑话。与英文习语make an exhibition of oneself意思相近,表示to behave so foolishly in public that one excites notice or ridicule。 例句: 他在婚礼上喝醉了,在众人面前出了洋相。 he got drunk at the wedding and m...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 42

    21-01-19 第二十九章 司法协助 chapter xxix judicial assistance 第二百六十二条 根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则,人民法院和外国法院可以相互请求,代为送达文书、调查取证以及进行其他诉讼行为。 article 262 in accordance with the internati...

  • 21-01-18 第十八章 公示催告程序 chapter xviii procedure for publicizing public notice for ass ertion of claims 第一百九十三条 按照规定可以背书转让的票据持有人,因票据被盗、遗失或者灭失,可以向票据支付地的基层人民法院申请公示催告。 article 193 any holder of a...

  • 20-12-08 north chinas tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year, amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition, now employed in mobile payment, te...

  • 20-12-03 japan: dont tip anyone. no one. no one.tipping is just not part of the culture. dont even leave the small change. people will come running after you with it. seriously. dont go into peoples homes with your shoes on. you may run into this at certain...

  • 20-12-02 国务院近日印发《关于深入开展爱国卫生运动的意见》。《意见》要求总结推广新冠肺炎疫情防控中的有效经验做法,强化大数据应用,有效防控传染病和慢性病,提高全民健康水平,为实现健康中国目标奠定坚实基...

  • 20-11-28 the queen is a 2006 british drama film directed by stephen frears, written by peter morgan, and starring helen mirren in the title role, elizabeth ii of the united kingdom. released almost a decade after the event, the film depicts a fictional accou...

  • 20-11-05 中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第五次全体会议在远景目标中提出全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展,具体目标是:中等收入群体显著扩大,基本公共服务实现均等化,城乡区域发展差距和居民生活水平差距显著缩小,人均国内生产总值达到中等发达国家水平。 the fift...

  • 20-11-05 中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第五次全体会议于10月26日至29日在北京召开。全会审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》。 the fifth plenary session of the 19th cpc central committee held in beijing from o...
