
  • interview-screening process 面试筛选

    12-09-12 several steps, such as reducing the interview-screening process, building a new consulate in guangzhou and expanding current offices, are being taken to ease the entry process for chinese visitors. 美国驻华使馆表示,将采取多项措施放宽对中国公民入境...

  • 11-07-29 breast cancer screening has not played a direct part in the reductions of breast cancer mortality in recent years, says a new study published on today. an international team of researchers from france, the uk and norway found that better tre...

  • 10-04-03 the us has announced that it will begin profiling us-bound passengers to determine who should get extra screening. 美国宣布将会为所有进出美国的乘客建立一个文件系统以决定对某些嫌疑分子进行额外安全检查。 the rules apply to all travellers heading to th...

  • 10-01-05 tougher screening of passengers wanting to fly to the us has been condemned as unfair by nigeria - one of the nations singled out for special checks. 尼日利亚对美国严格筛选飞往美国乘客的做法表示谴责,认为其不公平。据悉尼日利亚是几个挑选出来需要进行...

  • 09-09-25 routine screening for prostate cancer has come under further scrutiny after two studies concluded it may do more harm than good. 前列腺癌定期检查经过两项进一步研究认为可能弊大于利。 prostate cancer is a major killer european researchers found the cu...
