
  • 16-02-17 former u.n. secretary-general boutros boutros-ghali has passed away at the age of 94. 联合国前秘书长布特罗斯布特罗斯-加利辞世,享年94岁。 the organizations current chief ban ki-moon has described him as a memorable leader who rendered invaluable ser...

  • 33个常用职位名称

    16-02-04 director 总监 manager 经理 supervisor主管 secretary秘书 assistant助理 proof-reader校对 interpreter口译员 translator翻译员 designer设计师 operator操作员 engineer工程师 buyer采购员 coordinator协调人 representative代表 account客服 copywriter文案 planne...

  • 14-06-12 one day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition - if i am a manager. all the students began to write except a boy. the teacher went to him and asked the reason. i am waiting for my secretary, was the boy's answer. 一天课上...

  • 13-10-25 the position of secretary or personal assistant used to be the preserve of efficient and capable women, loyal foot soldiers with no eye on the boss's job but now men are muscling their way in. hold my calls, mr jones is becoming the new norm. 过去,...

  • 13-07-19 the governor of an indonesian province on saturday said he had ordered his top staff to replace their female secretaries with men following a string of extra-marital affairs. 据报道,印尼苏拉威西岛北部哥伦打洛省省长哈比比日前下令禁止其属下高官雇佣女...

  • 13-03-19 中华人民共和国主席 president of the people's republic of china 中共中央总书记 general secretary of the cpc central committee 政治局常委 member of the standing committee of the political bureau of the cpc central committee 政治局委员 member of the po...

  • 12-08-27 long long ago, a county magistrate(地方法官) named wang lu worked in present day anhui province, east china. wang lu was very greedy and took many bribes. one of his secretaries was equally corrupt, and often schemed for wang lu's deeds. one day a...

  • 11-03-05 美国白宫近日任命积极支持同性恋运动的男同志伯纳德为白宫社交秘书,成为总统奥巴马和第一夫人米歇尔的首位男秘书,也是担任这个职位的第一位公开的同性恋人士。 jeremy bernard will serve as social secretary to president barack obama and his wife michelle. the...

  • 职场词汇

    10-12-16 公司职务等级: 招聘经理 recruiting manager 高级秘书 senior secretary 销售总监 sales director 总裁 president 小资small potatoes 中产阶级 middle class 高产阶级 upper class 富人 upper crust 公司职位一览: 秘书 secretary 行政秘书 executive secretary 地...

  • 10-07-22 说起办公室里secretary,可能我们首先反应出的意思都是秘书,不过secretary可不仅仅有这一层意思,例如遇到下面这个句子要注意了: i chose the tall secretary where mother sat so often writing letters by a sunny window. 译这句话时要格外小心,否则就会把tall s...
