
  • 22-09-09 小伙伴们是否有过这样的经历:熬夜玩手机,反应过来已经到了一两点;或是躺在床上,翻来覆去就是睡不着? 晚睡早起似乎已经成为了当今很多人的生活常态。据《中国睡眠研究报告》统计,我国64.75%的居民每天实际睡眠时长不足8个小时,全体居民每天平均睡眠时长仅为7.06...

  • 22-04-26 1 24/7 一天二十四小时;一周七天;一直;持续地 my little sister irritates me 24/7! 我的小妹妹整天都在惹我生气! 2 a short fuse 急性子 jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play. 杰米真是个...

  • sara ali khan真诚做自己 上

    22-04-15 i am very, very overwhelmed to be. 我对此感到非常非常不知所措。 i didnt expect this at all. and its really nice. 我完全没想到。真的很棒。 so, thank you so much for having me. 所以,非常感谢你们邀请我。 you know, universitys always been very importan...

  • 21-12-06 短语 to be strapped for cash 指手头没有足够的钱,常被用来形容暂时资金短缺、手头紧。 例句 would you mind paying for the takeaway? im a bit strapped for cash until payday. when i was a student i was frequently strapped for cash. actually, thinking abo...

  • 21-11-12 short change =少找钱 i think i was shortchanged in the restaurant, because ive only got $10 in my wallet when i should have $20 . 我感觉饭店给我少找钱了,因为我钱包里只有10美元,本来应该有20的呀。 或者,可以说 not give someone enough change =少找钱...

  • 21-07-01 wrong change =找错钱 give someone the wrong change给某人找错钱 the cashier gave me the wrong change. i gave her 10 dollars to pay for a $5.00 book, and she only gave me 2 dollars back. 收银员给我找错钱了。我买了5美元一本的书,给了她10美元,但她只给...

  • 20-10-19 1. could i borrow some cash? 我能借点现金吗? 动词borrow的意思是借入;不可数名词cash指现金。 2. you couldnt lend me a tenner, could you? 你能不能借我十镑钱? 动词lend的意思是借出。这句话是反义疑问句,所以用could的否定形式couldnt,句尾用附加成分could...

  • 16-05-06 mum: look at your socks. one is short, the other is long. you must have put on the wrong ones. xiaodong: i am not wrong. i look at there others socks. one is short and the other is long, too. 妈妈:小东,看你的袜子一只长,一只短,你肯定穿错了。 小东...

  • 11-03-18 qw...

  • cash-strapped cuba says toilet paper running short 经济危机

    09-08-16 cuba, in the grip of a serious economic crisis, is running short of toilet paper and may not get sufficient supplies until the end of the year, officials with state-run companies said on friday. officials said they were lowering the prices of 24 bas...
