
  • 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别

    22-10-19 1. is this sentence an example of present simple, or is it present continuous? just a minute, im checking my email. a) present simple b) present continuous 2. which sentence is a correct example of present simple tense? a) she goes to the nightclub...

  • 22-06-21 1. ive got my facts wrong! 状况1:叙述事实出错 救场金句: sorry, what i meant is this . 抱歉,我想表达的意思是 2. too fast! go back. 状况2:进度太快,需要回到之前的话题 救场金句: so, lets just recap on that. 那么,我们再概括一下刚刚所讲的内容。 3....

  • 21-05-13 在烘焙时,给面糊里加适量的 鸡蛋 eggs 是烤出香浓美味甜品的一个小窍门。但如果面糊里加了太多个鸡蛋,烤出来甜品反而会变得不好吃。英式习语 over-egg the pudding 做布丁时鸡蛋放多了 就用来形容这种 画蛇添足 的行为,也可以指 夸大其辞而导致不被信任 的做法。 例...

  • 20-12-20 rose did read and digest, and found her days much richer for the good company she kept, for an introduction to so much that was wise, beautiful, and true could not but make that month a memorable one. it is not strange that while the young man most...

  • 20-09-16 while the young bhaers were having serious experiences at home, josie was enjoying herself immensely at rocky nook; for the laurences knew how to make summer idleness both charming and wholesome. bess was very fond of her little cousin; mrs amy felt...

  • 16-07-27 minimalism is about reassessment of your priorities so that you can strip away the excess stuff - the possessions and ideas and relationships and activities - that dont bring value to your life. 极简主义是对生活中的关注重点进行重新评估,这样你就可以...

  • 16-06-18 third person someone whos lying will try to keep the self-references to a bare minimum. they use the third-person as a means of distancing themselves from the deception. so, for example, instead of saying i didnt do it they might say that didnt happ...

  • 12-11-20 i love to have simple ways to improve my life. everyday is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it. what i want is to have good, balanced progress everyday. to ensure balance, my favorite way is using the four facets of pro...

  • 'simple' endometriosis test hope 子宫内膜易位“简单”测试方

    09-08-20 scientists have developed a quick and simple way to diagnose endometriosis, without requiring surgery. 科学家已经发明了一种诊断子宫内膜异位的、不需要请教外科医生的简单快捷的方法。 endometriosis is a painful condition all that is needed is a small sa...

  • turnaround 'will not be simple' 经济复苏“不是一个简单的过程

    09-08-19 the world has begun to recover from recession but the process will not be simple, the international monetary fund (imf) has warned. 国际货币基金组织组织警告道,世界经济开始复苏但过程不会太简单。 serbia has been particularly hard hit by the global re...
