
  • size-inclusive 包容性尺寸

    22-09-23 上周,格温妮斯帕特洛(gwyneth paltrow)的生活方式品牌goop最新推出全号码段(size-inclusive)的女装系列,从英国的02-44码,即美国的00-40码都有。作为一个词汇也是一种概念,size-inclusive成为时尚领域中日益突显的趋势。过去的几年里,越来越多的女装品牌,例如...

  • 英语口语:描述事物的尺寸 size

    20-03-12 描述事物的尺寸常用的英语表达 size nouns depth whats the depth of the chest of drawers? height ill measure the height of the cabinet. length whats the length of the table? width can you measure the width of the desk? size adjectives deep how deep is...

  • 维密签约14码模特拍广告

    19-10-11 for the first time in its history, victorias secret is featuring a size-14 woman in its advertisements. 维密历史上首次签约14码模特拍摄广告片。 i never expected that i was going to see an image of myself on the wall next to these top super models tha...

  • 错视t恤让你迎面胸部“波涛汹涌”

    17-07-03 if youre unsatisfied with your cup size but dont want to splash out on a breast enhancement, a quirky new t-shirt might be a cheap and pain-free alternative. 如果你对自己的罩杯不满意,又不想花钱丰胸,一款奇异的新t恤也许是个便宜又无痛的选择。 the biz...

  • 签名字体大的人可能是个自恋狂

    17-03-13 according to recent studies, signatures can be a tell-tale sign of a persons darker traits, revealing if they are authoritative and exploitative. 根据最近的研究,签名或是揭露人是否有权威感和特权感等腹黑个性的标志。 in addition, researchers have foun...
