
  • 15-02-28 apelles meeting with the little ass invited him to tea that very right. the little ass was trembling with delight. he prances through the wood; he pesters all who pass: 'apelles bores me so. he will not let me be, you know! whenever him i see, he as...

  • 13-11-03 as any foreigner can tell you, americans love their coffee. it is a watered-down percolation compared with the eye-twitchingly strong varieties sold in little thimbles in many european cafs, but it is coffee nonetheless. a decent cup of tea, however...

  • 12-10-18 tea is the steady companion of the scottish day, and each hotel, no matter how humble, stocks its rooms with supplies for brew-ups: electric pot for boiling water, ceramic(陶瓷的) pot for brewing, china cups and small tea-creamers, a raft of teas,...

  • 12-07-23 sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, to teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. you never know who these people may be -...

  • 12-05-07 精彩对白 lionel: he's a good lad , willy. he could hardly make a sound , you know, when he first came to me. my boys made those. good, aren't they. please, make yourself comfortable . i was told not not to sit too close. when speaking with a prince,...

  • 11-04-11 c.s. lewis, the famous author and oxford academic, once proclaimed you can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me. we sip it with toast in the morning, enjoy it with sweets and biscuits in the afternoon, and relax with it at...

  • 10-09-02 a group of researchers in south africa has developed a filter that can purify water straight from the bottle. 南非一组研究人员发明出一种可直接在瓶子中使水净化的过滤器。 the filter looks like a tea bag but contains material that block harmful chemica...

  • 09-12-28 elderly people who drink several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression, probably due to a feel good chemical found in this type of tea, japanese researchers said. 日本研究人员日前称,老年人每天喝几杯绿茶可降低患抑郁症的风...

  • 09-12-15 tea and coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a large body of evidence shows. 大量证据显示,饮用茶和咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险低一些。 three to four cups a day appeared to offer some protection and the protection may not be...

  • 09-10-05 a tea hound 在茶话会、舞会或各种社交场合,总有些喜欢追逐漂亮女子并对她们大献殷勤的家伙。这类花花公子就被称为tea hounds 爱交际的男子。 例句:john is much mature now, i think he's no longer a tea hound. 约翰现在成熟多了,我想他不再是爱交际的花花公子了...
