
  • 21-11-29 no one who had ever seen catherine morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be an heroine. her situation in life, the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equally against her. her father was a cl...

  • 21-11-23 不知道有多少小伙伴,碰到事情总抱着再等等的心态,一切都要拖到最后 近日,一项调查显示,超过97%的大学生都觉得自己或多或少地有拖延症。就连吃晚饭这样日常的事,有人都能拖到晚上9点。 拖延症,表示the act of delaying something that must be done,英文是procra...

  • mediator 和事佬

    21-11-15 面对纠纷时,很多人或许都在无意间扮演或充当过一个角色和事老。 和事老,也写作和事佬,字面意思是调停争端的人(mediator, someone who tries to bring peace)。和事指平息事件或争端、调节纷争(mediate, make peace),佬表示成年男子(guy, fellow)。 和事老通...
