
  • 美设计师用厕纸制婚纱

    12-07-01 the winner of a toilet paper wedding dress contest shows how cheap can be chic with her dress made out of 10 jumbo rolls of bathroom tissue. 一个厕纸婚纱比赛的获胜者用10卷厕纸制成的婚纱向我们表明:时尚竟可以如此便宜。 the winner of a toilet paper we...

  • 11-08-21 美国最佳卫生间评选正在进行中,组织方将在获胜的卫生间举办新闻发布会,颁发最佳卫生间奖牌,并将其收入网络明星卫生间名录。目前,有十个卫生间进入了最后的决赛阶段,网友们将在9月19日之前通过网上投票,决定谁是最后的赢家。 it's america's competition for best...

  • 11-04-09 the french have been credited with inventing the bidet and popularising pissoirs or public urinals, and now they can add the biodegradable and portable toilet to their name. 法国人曾以发明坐浴盆、以及普及公共厕所而著称,如今,他们又可以因为可生物降...

  • 10-09-05 in japan, the global leader in high-tech toilet design, the latest restroom marvel should come with a health warning for hypochondriacs -- it doubles as a medical lab that can really spoil your day. 作为高科技马桶设计方面的全球领先者,日本最新设计的...

  • 10-09-05 上周六,披头士乐队已故成员约翰列侬生前使用过的一个马桶在拍卖会上拍得9500英镑(约合近1.5万美元)的高价。 a toilet that belonged to late beatle john lennon fetched 9,500 pounds ($14,740) at auction on saturday. a toilet that belonged to late(已故的)...

  • 10-06-04 1. public lavatory意为公厕,在公共场所,厕所门上都标有gents(男厕),或ladies(女厕),有时也标有men's, men's room, gentleman's, women's room等等。如:where is the gents?(男厕所在哪儿?)if you would like a wash, the gentleman's is just over there....

  • 10-04-24 far more people in india have access to a mobile phone than to a toilet, according to a un study on how to improve sanitation levels globally. 联合国一项关于如何改善全球卫生条件的研究显示,印度的手机远比厕所普及。 an indian man urinates in an alley...

  • 纽约招聘公厕大使 6周挣一万

    09-11-21 美国纽约时代广场的公厕近期公开招聘公厕大使。应征者需外向、热情,一旦被录用就要在该公厕工作六周,报酬高达一万美元。公厕大使的工作职责除了与客人互动以外,还要在twitter和facebook等社交网站上撰写博客和评论与大家分享其工作体验。这些公厕是卫生纸制造厂商ch...

  • 09-09-12 德国一家公司最近正在推广一款专为女性发明的一次性便携厕所,女士们可将其放在手包里,内急时可随时使用。这款便携厕所折叠后只有一块巧克力大小,其主体是一个内置了高吸水性聚合物的塑料袋,尿液在塑料袋内聚合物的作用下会变为凝胶状。它的开口很大,使用者蹲着、...

  • cash-strapped cuba says toilet paper running short 经济危机

    09-08-16 cuba, in the grip of a serious economic crisis, is running short of toilet paper and may not get sufficient supplies until the end of the year, officials with state-run companies said on friday. officials said they were lowering the prices of 24 bas...
