
  • 10-07-19 a train crash in eastern india has killed at least 52 people, officials say. 印度官员称,东部地区发生列车相撞事故,至少52人死亡。 a passenger train ploughed into(投入) another that was waiting at a station in the town of sainthia, west bengal stat...

  • 10-06-23 about 60 people have been killed in a train crash in the south of congo-brazzaville, officials have said. 刚果布拉柴维尔南部地区发生火车脱轨事故,大约60人丧生。 the head of the rail operator, chemin de fer congo-ocean (cfco), said it occurred on mon...

  • 10-04-22 a luxury tourist train has derailed near the south african capital, pretoria, killing at least two people and injuring at least 25 more. 南非首都比勒陀利亚附近一列豪华观光列车发生出轨事故,造成至少2人死亡、25人受伤。 the dead include a woman and her...

  • 10-02-24 哎呀,老天爷你就从来没到这个车站来过?他指向杂志摊。我一直就在那儿。那个摊儿是我的。我看过每个上楼的人。 她的脸色开始变得有些苍白。过了一会儿,她向楼梯看去,声音微弱地说:我我过去一直没上这个楼梯。你看,我昨天出城是去办点公事噢,哈里!然后,她伸手搂...

  • 10-01-23 taking the train in japan and want to avoid annoying fellow passengers? keep conversation to a whisper, turn down your ipod and put your cellphone on vibration mode, a recent survey by the railway association showed. 日本铁路协会日前开展的一项调查显...

  • 09-11-23 german rail operator deutsche bahn has signed a 17bn euro ($25bn; 15bn) contract to build rail and underground lines in qatar and bahrain. 德国铁路公司德国联邦铁路签署一项170亿欧元的协议,将要在卡塔尔和巴林岛建设铁路与地铁。 deutsche bahn is based i...

  • 09-11-14 the european union is expected to endorse plans to send troops to help train up to 2,000 somali troops, according to an eu official. 一名欧盟官员称,欧盟将要派遣军队以帮助训练2000名索马里士兵。 the somali government hopes to build a 6,000-strong sec...

  • 09-10-25 at least 20 people have been killed when a passenger train smashed into the back of another train near the egyptian capital, cairo. 埃及首都开罗附近一列客运列车猛撞到另一辆列车尾部,造成至少20人死亡。 the crash happened south of the egyptian capital...

  • 09-10-05 最高时速为每小时200公里的和谐号动车组26日上午从重庆火车北站开出了第一班车次,到达成都只需短短两个小时,中国西南铁路正式迈入高速时代。 请看相关报道: southwest china's first bullet train left chongqing for chengdu at 8 am saturday and covered the dis...

  • 09-09-12 michelle obama shows off her toned arms. when mrs obama first stepped on to the international stage, her arms made almost as many headlines as her husband's policies. how does a woman of 45, an age at which most ladies banish sleeveless items to the...
