
  • be determined to go the whole hog 一不做,二不休

    21-12-01 一不做,二不休,汉语俗语,意思是要么不做,做了就索性做到底。指事情既然做了开头,就坚持到底。可以翻译为be determined to go the whole hog,或once it is started, go through with it等。 例句: 到这地步,我们只好一不做二不休。 now that weve gone as far a...

  • 20-12-12 一心一意,汉语成语,意思是形容做事专心一意,一门心思地只做一件事。可以翻译为give ones whole mind to, with ones whole heart and soul或put ones whole heart into等。 例句: 他一心一意准备试验。 his whole mind was trying out the experiment. 他们能一心...
