
日期:2021-03-16 what did you want to be when you were growing up? a teacher? a doctor? an astronaut? what do you need to do to achieve your dream job? perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you the career you want. we are const...

日期:2021-03-15 sometimes i cant sleep because a problem plays over and over in my mind. does this happen to you? psychologists who used the results of an online test conducted by the bbc and the university of liverpool say that some self-reflection can be good. bu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-03-15 are you absent-minded? sometimes i wish i were. so many things were achieved by people who just left something in their pocket or forgot to switch off a machine. like what happened to this group of swedish scientists. according to the british newspa...

日期:2021-03-11 in college, i encountered a rule of thumb: for every credit hour per week, you should be studying two to three hours outside of class per week. 在大学里我学到了一条经验法则:为了得到每周的每个学分,你应该每周在课外学习2-3个小时。 if you ask a teache...

日期:2021-03-11 here are two quick and effective one-minute relaxation techniques that can be done anywhere 这有两个快而有效的一分钟放松技巧,可以随时随地做。 1.relax your lower jaw for one minuteclose your eyes then open your mouth as widely as possiblelet your lo...

日期:2021-03-01 1. read 学会阅读 read as much as you can in english. no matter what it is, from cartoons to british literature anything counts. 尽可能多地用英语阅读。不管是什么,从动画片到英国文学,一切有价值的都可以。 naturally if you wish to develop i would recom...

日期:2021-03-01 i used to be so lazy all the day, procrastinating things, sleeping under ac, watching movies and eating all the food available. i hardly found sweat coming from my sweat pores. 我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。我几乎很...

日期:2021-02-27 一项报告称在英国,大约有两百万对夫妻相互隐瞒个人的经济状况。另有44%的已婚人士不知道自己配偶的收入是多少。 do you usually go dutch when you take someone out to dinner? do you expect your date to pay for the whole meal? many people say that as long as...

日期:2021-02-25 有些人憧憬浪漫的邂逅和爱情,然而这或许只是一场过于美妙的梦现实生活中真的存在理想般的爱情吗?或许这只是在电影里才能找到的幻想。如果你足够幸运,遇上了一生的挚爱,你们之间的恋情会长长久久吗? are you a hopeless romantic? do you get excited by the idea...

日期:2021-02-24 你诚实吗?你撒过慌、骗过人吗?在生活、工作中,诚实一定是上策吗? lets be honest im sure weve all done something a little dishonest in our lives maybe copying someones work, borrowing some money from a friend and not paying them back or being given t...

日期:2021-02-23 为什么有的人招人喜欢,人见人爱?为什么有的人不管走到哪里都可以广交朋友? life isnt fair. some people just seem blessed with the ability to effortlessly charm anyone they meet. you know the kind of person, the one who can strike up a conversation wit...

日期:2021-02-23 圣诞期间,家人和朋友之间会互赠礼物,表达爱意。可是在收到的礼物中,究竟有多少是实用的、是收礼者真正需要或想要的? its that time of year when many of us spend money buying gifts for family and friends. we spend hours, even days, searching the shops an...

日期:2021-02-23 新冠肺炎疫情期间,很多人在家工作,随之,决定开始养狗的人越来越多。虽然有个能陪伴自己的宠物听起来很美好,但从买狗到到养狗都需重视动物福利,不能只有三分钟热度。 for some people, theres no better companion than mans best friend a dog. this four-legged...

日期:2021-02-22 ▌work, sleep, eat, repeat. 上班、睡觉、吃饭,循环。 ▌the inevitable break up. 分手根本不可避免 ▌having the courage to apologize. 鼓足勇气道歉 ▌not all friendships last forever, and thats okay. 不是所有友情都会地久天长,没关系。 ▌most adults are...

日期:2021-02-09 不管你是不是甜品爱好者,都无法避免摄入日常饮食中所含的糖分。这是因为很多食物和饮料是含糖的。尽管人们都知道过度摄入糖类有害健康,但这并没有阻止一些人大量且无节制地吃甜食,从而患上肥胖、糖尿病和龋齿等疾...

日期:2021-02-07 quora网友提问:你会和比你教育程度低的人恋爱吗?一起来看看国外网友们的高赞回答。 i would but it has tended not to work out well for various reasons. 我会的,但由于种种原因,结果往往不太好。 also, education is a huge deal in my family. everyone has ad...

日期:2021-02-01 you dont marry a man, you marry a lifestyle. 你不是嫁给一个男人,而是嫁给一种生活方式。 who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life, but also on your lifestyle. 你所嫁的那个人不仅会对你的感情生活会有很大影响,对你的生活方式...

日期:2021-01-28 蜘蛛、飞行、看牙医 这些都是可能让我们感到惧怕的事情。因为无法控制这种恐惧感,久而久之,就产生了恐惧症。本文讨论让人产生恐惧的原因以及应如何控制自己的情绪。 what are the things that scare you: snakes, spiders or creepy crawlies? or maybe you have a f...

日期:2021-01-28 在黑暗寒冷的冬季,我们喜欢吃一些让人开心的食物。比如,甜食、热乎、温性的饭菜,因为它们会让我们有饱腹感,从而御寒。但我们为什么在一年中其它时间,也喜欢享用含碳水化合物多、高糖的食品?本文讨论人们喜欢安慰食物的原因。 warning! this article could be bad...

日期:2021-01-27 你有没有因为书封而爱上一本书?据说有本书的封面,装帧精美,标题两个大字男人。好奇的读者信手翻开,会发现里面一片空白。这当然只是个玩笑,兴许是笔记本,或者行为艺术。但它至少成功地让你把它,从书架上拿下来翻开进而可能因为设计而购买。 在琳琅满目的书店里,...

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