
日期:2016-07-30 thank you! thank you for that amazing welcome. and chelsea, thank you. im so proud to be your mother and so proud of the woman youve become. thanks for bringing marc into our family, and charlotte and aidan into the world. and bill, that conversatio...

日期:2016-07-25 hi, everybody. its been a challenging couple weeks. the shootings in minnesota and baton rouge; the protests; the targeting and murder of police officers in dallas - its left all of us struggling to make sense of things at times. now, i know that fo...

日期:2016-07-25 although i didnt know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in dallas this week - i really did know them. they were the folks i grew up with: the boy with the most courage and the most compassion; the man with a bra...

日期:2016-07-25 hi everybody, and happy fourth of july weekend. on monday, michelle, malia, sasha, and i will celebrate the fourth like most of you - in the backyard. well hang out with family and friends, throw some burgers and dogs on the grill, and watch the fir...

日期:2016-07-03 hi everybody. the story of america is a story of progress. its written by ordinary people who put their shoulders to the wheel of history to make sure that the promise of our founding applies not just to some of us - but to all of us. farmers and bl...

日期:2016-07-03 its been less than a week since the deadliest mass shooting in american history. and foremost in all of our minds has been the loss and the grief felt by the people of orlando, especially our friends who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. i...

日期:2016-07-03 hi, everybody. today, i want to talk with you about the crisis in puerto rico - and why it matters to all of us. puerto ricans are american citizens, just like folks in maine or oklahoma or new mexico. and over the last decade, puerto rico has suffe...

日期:2016-07-03 elkhart, indiana was the first town i visited as president. id been on the job for three weeks, and we were just a few months into the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. elkhart was hit harder than most. unemployment there peaked at nearly twen...

日期:2016-06-24 hi, everybody. right now, there are american troops serving in harms way and standing sentry around the world. there are veterans whove served honorably in times of war and peace, and often came home bearing the invisible and visible wounds of war....

日期:2016-06-08 hi everybody. last summer, i got a letter from a woman named elizabeth paredes from tucson, arizona. elizabeth is the mom of a 3-year-old boy, and an assistant manager at a sandwich shop. she earns about 2,000 a month, and she routinely works some 5...

日期:2016-05-20 hi, everybody. ive got a special guest with me this week-macklemore. for those of you who dont share the same love[i] for hip-hop, hes a grammy-winning artist-but hes also an advocate whos giving voice to a disease we too often just whisper about: t...

日期:2016-05-14 hello, everybody. in our house, everybody knows that president is only the third-most important job in the family. so this weekend, im going to take a little extra time to say thank you to michelle for the remarkable way she does the most important...

日期:2016-05-07 hi, everybody. its now been 45 days since i nominated judge merrick garland to the supreme court. judge garland is a man of experience, integrity, and unimpeachable qualifications. judge garland is someone who senate republicans are on record saying...

日期:2016-04-23 hello, everybody. one of americas greatest strengths is our free market. a thriving private sector is the lifeblood of our economy-its how we create jobs, expand opportunities, and give everybody a shot at success. its what has made america the stro...

日期:2016-04-23 hi everybody. over the past seven years, we havent just been recovering from crisis, weve been rebuilding our economy on a new foundation for growth-growth that benefits everybody, not just folks at the top. our businesses have created jobs for 73 s...

日期:2016-04-09 hi, everybody. this week, im speaking to you from our nuclear security summit. i welcomed more than 50 leaders from around the world to make sure were working together to meet one of the greatest threats to global security -- terrorists getting thei...

日期:2016-04-04 this week, our hearts are with the people of belgium, as terrorist attacks claimed the lives of more than thirty people. yesterday, we learned that at least two americans were killed. we pray for their families and loved ones. at least fourteen amer...

日期:2016-03-21 hello, everybody. this past week, we lost an american icon and one of the most influential figures of her time-former first lady nancy reagan. born in new york city, and raised mostly in chicago, nancy davis graduated from smith college in 1943. as...

日期:2016-03-13 hi, everybody. one of the things that makes america so strong is our spirit of innovation. our drive to invent and harness new technologies to tackle our greatest challenges. it's how we won the race to invent the lightbulb and the internet; it's wh...

日期:2016-03-13 hi, everybody. this week, we continued our mission to destroy isil. this remains a difficult fight, and the situation in syria and iraq is incredibly complex. isil is entrenched, including in urban areas. it uses innocent civilians as human shields....

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