
  • 20-10-15 如果有人对你说tell me about it.可千万不要再喋喋不休的说下去,因为这个句子的意思是:可不是嘛!(好了,我同意,你别再说了。) 例句: a:his attitude is driving me crazy. 他的态度真的快让我疯掉了。 b:tell me about it. 可不是嘛! 如果你希望别人告诉你,...

  • 15-04-24 threenager is a three-year-old who displays the moodiness and attitude of a teenager. 三岁小大人指的是有着十几岁青少年般情绪和态度的三岁小孩儿。 with the summer sales in full swing it makes sense to stock up on clothes for next year, but bear in min...

  • 14-08-18 the longer i live, the more i realize the impact of attitude on life. attitude to me is more important than facts. it is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what the other...

  • 13-05-08 一、英语重结构,汉语重语义 我国著名语言学家王力先生曾经说过:就句子的结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。(《中国语法理论》,《王力文集》第一卷,第35页,山东教育出版社,1984年) 我们看一看下面的例子: children will play with dolls equipped w...

  • 12-11-29 don't worry, be happy and, according to new research, you will also be healthy. it is estimated that over the course of one year, americans suffer 1 billion colds. but new research shows that all it may take to avoid this common affliction(苦恼) i...

  • 12-11-08 depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction. use positive thinking to reframe your thoughts about your job. changing your attitude about work won't necessarily happen overnig...

  • 12-07-05 the longer i live, the more i realize the impact of attitude on life. attitude, to me, is more important than facts. it is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other p...

  • 11-08-09 a positive mental attitude is the right mental attitude in any given situation and is most often composed of the plus characteristics symbolized by such words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact(机智...

  • 11-07-12 jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. he was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. when someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, if i were any better, i would be twins! he was a unique manager because h...

  • 10-04-05 unintentional(无意识的) physical activity may be influenced by non-conscious attitudes, noted david conroy, associate professor of kinesiology(运动机能学,人体运动学) and human development and family studies. the challenge of encouraging more ac...
