
  • 为视障读者带来能闻的儿童故事

    21-04-01 一家为盲人和弱视者设立的慈善机构英国导盲犬(guide dogs uk)制作了一套伴书气味盒,以配合畅销儿童故事书《咕噜牛(the gruffalo)》。该机构创造了一套鼻腔吸入器,分别代表主人公咕噜牛和它遇到的四个角色:蛇、狐狸、猫头鹰和小老鼠。 the gruffalo was first pu...

  • evaluation of compulsory education quality 义务教育质量评价

    21-03-26 近日,教育部等六部门联合印发了《义务教育质量评价指南》,旨在促进学生全面发展,克服教育领域唯分数、唯升学、唯文凭、唯论文、唯帽子的顽瘴痼疾。 the ministry of education (moe) and five other party and governmental authorities have jointly issued a docu...

  • shoe-bar stratton - chapter 29

    21-02-24 with her back against the veranda pillar, mary thorne watched the group of mounted men canter down the slope, splash across the creek, and file briskly through the gate leading to middle pasture. perhaps it would be more accurate to say that, for th...

  • 首尔一名大厨起诉米其林美食指南

    19-11-29 some chefs dream their whole lives of winning a michelin star. but not eo yun-gwon. 有些大厨一辈子都梦想能赢得米其林的一颗星。但eo yun-gwon不是这样的大厨。 the south korean chef is reportedly suing michelin for including his restaurant ristorante eo...

  • freelance tour guide 导游自由执业

    16-05-31 the national tourism administration will pilot a freelance tour guide program in shanghai and eight other provinces beginning from may, in an attempt to reduce the number of shopping trips, which tourists frequently complain about. 国家旅游局将自今...

  • 伊朗成功试射精确制导弹道导弹

    15-10-12 iran successfully test-fired a new precision-guided ballistic missile on sunday. 伊朗上周日成功试射一枚精确制导弹道导弹。 the long-range missile has been domestically designed and manufactured in iran. general hossein dehghan with the iranian defens...

  • 英政府发布社交媒体用语词典

    15-09-14 the british government is to launch a social media dictionary so parents can translate popular acronyms used by teenagers online. 英国政府将发布一部社交媒体用语词典,以帮助家长翻译青少年在网上使用的流行缩写词。 the language guide decodes terms such...

  • 《地心历险记2》二

    13-07-26 片段对白 sean: excuse us. hi. hey, how's it going? we, uh... we americans. uh, you...tour guide? hank: sean. sean: i got this. you... you take us on boat. on water. man: you wanna charter a boat? hank: the official language of palau? english. sean:...

  • finding a new spring

    13-01-18 once upon a time a certain tradesman was leading a caravan(大篷车) to another country to sell his goods. along the way they came to the edge of a severe hot-sand desert. they asked about, and found that during the daytime the sun heats up the fine...

  • 俄某边远城市发布“遇熊逃生指南”

    10-10-25 officials in a remote russian city have drawn up a list of practical tips for locals on how to survive encounters with bears, after growing numbers have wandered into the streets in search of food. 俄罗斯某边远城市政府向当地居民发布了一份遇熊逃生指...
