
  • 10-02-23 最近听人说起什么外企必知的几个英文缩写,像hr(human resource,人力资源)、ot(overtime,加班)等常见的缩写都一闪而过,倒是有一个cc让我停顿了好一会儿。你知道这个缩写代表什么吗?咱们今天就来说一说。 carbon copying (abbreviated cc or c.c.) is the techn...

  • 09-12-26 nasa, the american agency which landed men on the moon, and google, the go-to company of the early 21st century, are trying to give the world the ability to monitor both the carbon dioxide pollution and the levels of forest destruction that contribu...

  • 09-12-12 国际航空运输协会在哥本哈根会议期间公布了航空业的减排目标,承诺到2050年,该行业的碳排量将比2005年减少50%。航空公司、机?⒖罩泻叫蟹?窆┯ι毯椭圃焐痰刃?岢稍本?信担旱?020年,年均燃效提高1.5%;从2020年开始,稳定碳排放,达到碳中和增长;到2050年,碳排...

  • 09-12-08 south africa has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 34% by 2020, but says it will need financial aid from developed countries to do so. 南非决定在2020年以前将二氧化碳排放削减34%,但是称必须依靠发达国家的财政支持。 coal-fired power station...

  • 09-12-01 australia's opposition liberal party has elected a new leader, amid a searing row over the government's carbon trading laws. 澳大利亚在野党自由党选出一位新领袖,试图与政府的二氧化碳排放法案达成一致意见。 the emissions scheme row has split the libera...

  • 09-11-24 the australian government has struck a deal with opposition leaders on a revised carbon trading scheme. 澳大利亚政府与在野党首领达成一项修订版的二氧化碳排放协议。 the emissions trading scheme (ets), aimed at reducing australia's carbon footprint, is...

  • 'scary' climate message from past 过去的气候信息很“惊人”

    09-10-11 a new historical record of carbon dioxide levels suggests current political targets on climate may be playing with fire, scientists say. 科学家称,一个新的二氧化碳含量历史记录显示现行的气候政治目标可能是玩火。 data came from samples brought up by th...

  • 09-09-27 中国国家主席胡锦涛周二在联合国气候变化峰会开幕式上发表讲话,承诺中国2020年的单位gdp二氧化碳排放量将比2005年的水平有显著幅度的降低。这也是中国国家元首第一次在联合国讲坛上就气候变化问题阐述中方立??请看相关报道: yang fuqiang, director of the global...

  • 09-09-22 the global recession and a range of government policies are likely to bring the biggest annual fall in the world's carbon dioxide emissions in 40 years. 全球经济低迷和一系列政府政策导致世界近40年以来二氧化碳的排放量下降最大。 climate protestors in n...

  • 09-08-27 engineers say a forest of 100,000 artificial trees could be deployed within 10 to 20 years to help soak up the world's carbon emissions. 工程师称一块有10万棵人造树木的森林将来未来10至20年内部署完毕以帮助解决世界上碳排放问题。 algae units could be de...
