
  • 22-03-24 吃霸王餐,本意是指去餐厅点单吃饭却不付钱的一种行为,可以翻译为dine and dash,表示order and consume food from a restaurant or similar establishment with the intent not to pay。 在网络流行语中,吃霸王餐也有免单(free of charge)的意思,有些商家会推出...

  • an ode to summer...

    22-03-09 bless this house, oh lord, we cry. please keep it cool in mid-july. bless the walls where termites dine, while ants and roaches march in time. bless our yard where spiders pass fire ant castles in the grass. bless the garage, a home to please carpen...

  • 21-07-06 表达wine and dine 的字面含义是酒和用餐,实际含义是设丰盛的美酒佳肴招待(客人),通常指去餐厅,准备酒宴。在交流中,我们多用wine and dine somebody 以美酒佳肴招待某位客人这个说法。 例句 we were wined and dined by our host at the best restaurant in town...
