
  • 哈罗德

    16-02-22 thomas and alfred were two best friends. whenever it got hot, they would take their cows up to a cool, green pasture in the mountains. usually they stayed there with the cows all summer. the work there in the mountains was easy, but really boring. a...

  • 16-01-31 poor barbie. she had plastic surgery to become more socially acceptable. but a lot of her critics still don't like her. 可怜的芭比,通过整容来满足世俗审美,但批评者们仍然不买账。 barbie's manufacturer, mattel, announced thursday that the doll has th...

  • 15-07-31 when people think of dolls, they often think of princesses, barbies and pretty pink dresses but one melbourne mother is determined to break that stereotype. 提到洋娃娃,大家就会想起公主、芭比娃娃和漂亮的粉色裙子。不过,墨尔本一位妈妈决心要打破这种思...

  • 15-07-09 an overjoyed royal baby fan has created a reborn doll that she claims is an exact replica of prince george. 皇室宝宝的一位狂热粉丝打造出了一个栩栩如生的洋娃娃,她宣称这个洋娃娃和乔治小王子简直是一个模子里刻出来的。 natalie lawrence, 44, ordered the...

  • 14-12-23 barbie flu refers to the trend for young women to dramatically alter their appearance to make themselves look like human barbie dolls. 芭比流感指年轻女性夸张地整容成芭比娃娃的趋势。 example: after one ukrainian woman gained international notoriety f...

  • 14-07-20 据外媒报道,一个寂寞的日本男生把自家淋浴头改装女朋友的人偶。他觉得,早晨起床能跟女朋友一起冲个澡再好不过了。 there's the good kind of head over heels in love(沉溺于爱河中) , and then there's you might want to go get your head checked crazy in love...

  • 14-03-14 1、doll 美人 本义洋娃娃。在男性使用的场合仅指美人,并无头脑简单的意思。get a load of that doll over there. i wonder what her name is.(你瞧瞧那边的那位美人哟!)不知道她叫什么名字。女性把doll翻版用作对男性的称呼,表示有魅力的英俊男子。isn't the capt...

  • russian doll present 套娃式礼物

    13-05-21 russian doll present is a gift that's been wrapped multiple times, causing you to rip away layer after layer of paper and wondering when it will finally stop, while the person who gave it to you looks on with a wicked grin. people may feel funny at...

  • 13-05-10 a japanese woman has undergone a startling physical transformation that has so far involved more than 30 cosmetic procedures at a cost of 10 million yen or $102,000. 据英国《每日邮报》5月4日报道,一名日本女模花费1000万日元(10.2万美元),历经30余次...

  • 13-03-08 alice's mother died when she was five years old. although her nine brother and sisters were loving and caring, they were no replacement for a mother's love. the year was 1925, and life was hard. alice, who grew up to be my mother, told me that her f...
