
  • 15-05-03 a tennessee father who used a drone to watch his 8-year-old daughter as she walked to school alone said he wants her to know dad is always watching. 美国田纳西州一位父亲用无人机陪伴8岁的女儿上学。他表示,要让女儿知道爸爸一直在看着她。 chris early, w...

  • 15-04-04 the device was spotted by guards at hmp bedford after it crash landed into razor wire on top of the prison walls in the first incident of its kind. 无人机撞墙后跌落到高墙上的铁丝网上,被贝尔福德女王监狱的警卫发现。这是史上首次无人机偷运事件。 guards...

  • 15-03-18 the syrian air force says it's downed a u.s. drone over the coastal city of latakia. 叙利亚空军称他们在沿海城市拉塔基亚击落一架美军无人机。 television images appear to show the wreckage of the drone. syrian authorities say the drone was carrying wea...

  • 13-05-23 the us attorney general has acknowledged four us citizens have been killed in drone strikes since 2011. 美国司法部长承认,2011年以来已有四名美国公民死于无人机袭击。 in a letter to the senate judiciary committee, eric holder defended the targeted kil...

  • 13-05-13 狗 bark/woof 蟋蟀 chirp/creak 布谷鸟 coo/cuckoo 母牛 moo/low 骆驼 grunt 甲虫 drone 鹦鹉 talk/screech/squawk 企鹅 honk 海豚 click 鸽子 coo 鸭 quack 大象 trumpet 苍蝇 buzz 青蛙 croak 山羊 bleat 鹅 cackle/gobble 母鸡 cackle/cluck 猪 grunt 驴 bray 熊 gr...

  • 12-12-04 the iranian military says it has captured an unmanned us drone in its airspace over gulf waters. 伊朗军方称,他们在海湾海域上空缴获了一架美国无人机。 the revolutionary guards said they had brought down a scaneagle aircraft - one of the smaller, less...

  • 12-10-03 iran plans to display several us and israeli spy drones it has taken possession of in the near future, the semi-official mehr news agency reported wednesday. 伊朗半官方的梅尔通讯社周三报道称,伊朗计划于近期展览截获的几架美国和以色列的无人侦查机。 文...

  • 12-01-31 us president barack obama has confirmed that unmanned drones regularly strike suspected militants in pakistan's tribal areas. 美国总统奥巴马证实,无人驾驶飞机定期在巴基斯坦部落区袭击激进嫌疑分子。 mr obama called the strikes a targeted focused effor...

  • 10-01-18 a missile attack by a us drone aircraft has killed at least 15 people in north-west pakistan, officials say. 美国一艘无人战机在巴基斯坦西北部进行导弹袭击,造成至少15人死亡。 us drone attacks are being stepped up along the afghan-pakistan border four...

  • 09-12-08 at least three suspected militants have been killed in a us drone attack in north-western pakistan, officials say. 美国无人机袭击了巴基斯坦西北部,至少三名武装嫌疑犯被杀。 hundreds have been killed in drone attacks in the past year two missiles fire...
