
  • 22-11-28 英国国家信托基金会(national trust)开展的研究显示,自 1900 年来,其消失的面积大小相当于怀特岛( the isle of wight )。 apple and other fruit trees are among the first to bloom, but according to the national trust, this burst of spring blossom is be...

  • 22-08-18 carrot and stick 胡萝卜加大棒;软硬两手 骡子通常被认为是极其顽固的动物,可即使是骡子,只要在它前面吊上胡萝卜(carrot),同时在后面用棍棒(stick)抽打,骡子也一定会往前走。因此carrot and stick常被用来比喻软硬两手,有时也作the carrot and the stick。丘...

  • 22-08-09 在这炎炎夏日,冰镇西瓜 空调的神仙组合简直是消暑必备。 watermelon is synonymous with summer. just the thought of the sweet and juicy fruit sparks images of sweltering hot days and racing to finish a freshly cut slice before its juices drip down your...

  • 22-01-29 9. toothsome /tu:s()m/美味的 吃饭除了要靠嘴和手,牙齿更是少不了的,所以形容东西可口还能用toothsome这个词。 to be honest, the family dish is toothsome. 说实话,这道家常菜真的很美味。 10.good-tasting口感好的 one way of persuading people to drink sensi...

  • 建造巨石阵的古人也吃甜食?

    22-01-22 英格兰遗产委员会( english heritage )发现,巨石阵当年的建造者吃过甜食,包括采来的水果和坚果。 researchers already knew that the builders of the monument, which dates back to 2,500 bc, had eaten pork, beef and dairy. 巨石阵的历史可追溯到公元前2500年...

  • 举例子

    22-01-04 常见的搭配短语有: take....for example以....为例; set a good example树立一个好榜样; for example举例子,常常可以和for instance互换。 注意了,我们常说的sample是表示样品的意思,不可以用于表示举例子。 在写作文的时候,还可以用以下这些表达: a case in p...

  • 21-10-27 据英国《卫报》报道,英国多家超市近日的货架上除了零散的物资之外,印有水果、蔬菜等食物照片的纸板也被放在没有实物的货架上。英媒称,由于供应问题加上产品种类减少,很多超市供货不足,只能采取此操作,掩盖略显空荡的货架。 tesco has begun using pictures of as...

  • 21-09-17 low-hanging fruit 的字面意思是 挂在低处的果实,实际用来比喻 最容易得到的事物 或 最简单的、最容易达成的目标。 例句 the company made cuts with the low-hanging fruit they reduced the number of staff. 该公司从最容易达成削减经费目标的地方着手,裁减了员工...

  • 21-03-10 do you shop for groceries online and have them delivered to your door? well, this might be just the start of a digital revolution in food. how about tattooed fruit, ice cubes which send text messages, and wine from the bottom of the ocean? all these...
