
  • 17-07-19 1. (right) on the money exactly right; in exactly the right place; in exactly the right amount (of money). 完全正确;恰到好处;(钱)正好够数。 e.g. you were right on the money when you said that i would really like that book. 你说过我会很喜欢那本书...

  • 17-06-19 首先第一种说法可能是:bother 别看错了,不是 brother,是 bother,这是一个及物动词,表示打扰、使某人觉得麻烦。比如:come on, dont bother me again! 拜托,别搞事情了。 第二个说法可能是:cause trouble 搞事情从一个角度来分析就是引起麻烦。比如,不要搞事情...

  • 17-05-11 my mother demanded gratitude josephine yu bone-ache signaled growth, height a sure thing. hiccups? the lungs desire to fulfill their contract with the body. stubbed toe, throbbing funny bone, leg of pins and needles -- even a toothache, a blessing:...

  • 16-11-07 funny, a made-in-china emoji, inclusively used on tieba, the largest chinese communication platform provided by the search engine giant baidu, seems to have recently moved beyond just china. 贴吧是中国最大的交流平台,由搜索引擎巨头百度推出。同时,它...

  • 16-05-06 mr william was deaf, but he didnt like people to know this. one evening he asked some friends to dinner. while they were sitting together after dinner, one of his friends told a funny story. everyone laughed, and mr william laughed, too. he said, th...

  • 13-11-14 精彩词句 1. i'm paralyzed with happiness. 我要被幸福冲昏头脑了。 2. daisy, don't create a scene. 黛茜,不要小题大做。 3. i decided to get roaring drunk. 我决定痛饮一番。 4. of course, you don't need to take my word for it, old sport. 当然,耳听为虚...

  • 13-04-18 片段对白 sarah: no. no way, i'm not going out with this guy. carol: just call him. say hello. he's in my book club. sarah: why is there a woman in this picture? carol: it's his wife. they're separated, but he didn't want to go to the trouble of phot...

  • 13-03-12 片段对白 dexter: wow! you look incredible. emma: oh... ooh! dexter: let's see the dress. is it vintage ? emma: no, it's brand new. dexter: really? emma: mmm. dexter: well, you look great, and i love the shoes. emma: thank you. it's the world's first...

  • 12-07-20 影片对白 chirag: hey, gregory, want to sign the card? greg: you got rowley a card? chirag: what? no, it's for bryan little. you know, the guy who writes the wacky dawg cartoons for the school paper? he has mono and he's going to be out for three mon...

  • 10-08-10 what makes something funny? philosophers have been tossing(抖动,摇动) that question around since plato. now two psychological scientists think they've come up with(提出,想出) the formula: humor comes from a violation or threat to the way the w...
