
  • 10-09-21 mr. dawson was an old grouch(心怀不满,抱怨) , and everyone in town knew it. kids knew not to go into his yard to pick a delicious apple, even off the ground, because old dawson, they said, would come after you with his ball bullet gun. one friday...

  • 10-04-05 britons' love affair with diy is waning, research suggests. 一项调查显示,英国人对自己动手搞家装的兴趣正在逐渐减退。 britons' love affair with diy is waning, research suggests. while bank holidays were traditionally a time when people looked to get...

  • 10-01-31 singing sensation susan boyle said wednesday that she felt fine despite a break-in by a teenager at her home in scotland, british media reported. 据英国媒体报道,日前,英国歌坛红人苏珊博伊尔位于苏格兰的住所遭到一名青少年私闯。苏珊于本周三表示自己一...

  • 09-12-16 members of a sierra leone traditional group have besieged a woman's house and stopped her from going home after she launched a legal bid to become a chief. 塞拉利昂一个传统组织成员包围了一位妇女的房子并阻止她回家,此前她曾发起成为酋长的合法申请。 el...

  • 09-11-07 trying to do that for years a man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before. you will get your chance in court. said the desk sergeant. no, no, no. said the man. i want to know how he...

  • 中国首个鬼屋展现地道万圣节

    09-10-31 今年的万圣节,想被吓一吓的话就去中国首个万圣节鬼屋吧。这个鬼屋位于上海,名为上海梦魇,是一位美籍华人和其女友共同创办的。这个鬼屋由上海南苏州路一栋破旧的建筑改建而成,拥有13个主题房间,分别设置了血淋淋的场景、灯光和音效,还有扮成鬼怪妖精的演员们出来...

  • 09-10-25 by c. g. rossetti (1) a house of cards is neat and small; shake the table, it must fall. 纸牌堆成的房子 洁净及小巧 摇摇桌子 它一定会倒 (2) find the court cards one by one; raise it, roof it, now it's done; shake the table! that's the fun. 找出绘有人...

  • 09-09-30 a long time ago, humans were only as tall as hens and rabbits. these tiny humans, if you can call them that, lived under trees. living in trees was not very nice. during rains they got wet. in summers they sweated madly, and in winter they almost fr...

  • 09-08-30 为帮助受灾的台湾中南部地区,深圳市委、市政府本月16日决定,向台湾捐赠1000套活动板房,价值近2000万元人民币。这些面积5万多平方米的活动板房已运往高雄,以更好地安置受灾人员。 请看《中国日报》的报道: the third batch of prefabricated houses donated by the...

  • 09-08-30 让我们来见识一下纽约最袖珍的住宅,宽9英尺半(约2.85米),高42英尺(12.6米),不过不要小看了这座小楼,人家的身价可不菲呢。这处住宅坐落于格林威治村的贝德福德大街,远处看上去,就像一块三明治一样被塞在两旁的建筑缝隙里。即使以寸土寸金的纽约标准来衡量,也...
