
  • 09-11-04 wherever you are i'll always be here waiting for the day we can once meet again. the miss of a lost love can darken the soul. wishing to see her in the moonlight or day can cause pain and it does in my heart. her walk was of a god and her eyes were...

  • 09-11-04 tommy was eleven and sabrina soon would be. every morning they would meet beside the big oak tree. in the summer, they would play together in the sun and sit beneath the big oak tree when the day was done. one time when they were talking of growing u...

  • forever love

    09-11-04 a simple girl who don't easily fall in love finally found someone she really want to spend her whole life with. they become friends, soon lovers. they really love each other. the girl gave everything and promised to the guy that she will never ever l...

  • love that i let go

    09-11-04 i had this boyfriend who i really loved. even though he wasnt my first boyfriend to me it seemed like he was. how i met him was very unusual. not many girls get with their best friend's brother, but this girl did. i remember when i saw him it was lo...

  • million miles

    09-11-04 through my school years i never imagined of falling in love. i wanted to stay single just from watching my friends get mistreated(虐待) by their boyfriends all the time. on my junior year just turning 17 my best friend decides to set me up with a...

  • 09-11-04 at the age of 18, i married for the first time. after almost 24 years of tumultuous(乱哄哄的,喧哗的) havoc(大破坏,蹂躏) that nearly cost me my life, that marriage ended in divorce . i swore that i would never again care enough about anyone to...

  • 09-11-04 in 1945, there was a young boy of 14 in a concentration camp(集中营). he was tall, thin but had a bright smile. every day, a young girl came by on the other side of the fence. she noticed the boy and asked him if he spoke polish, and he said yes....

  • 09-11-04 theres a guy who is deeply in love with her girlfriend. one day, they both decided to stroll(兜风,散步) for a while using their friends motorbike. girl: it's so much fun being with you. so much happiness is what i'm feeling now. guy: are you sati...

  • 09-11-04 i thought love is intended for those who believe in love. all i know is love for god and family. it was a rainy monday. i was supposed to cross the road, when i hear a blaagggggggg... someone behind me trying to push me because the car would hit me....

  • 09-11-04 when i woke up that morning all i wanted to do was walk. it was winter my favorite season. this walk would change my life forever and i would remember for years to come. on that one special walk is where i meet the love of my life and lose my love....
