
  • 14-11-27 broadband subscribers in china can expect better services and probably lower fees as the government considers opening the country's broadband access market to privately held companies. 中国政府正考虑向私营企业开放宽带接入市场,中国宽带用户将可能以更...

  • 14-11-06 china has decided to open its civil aviation markets in 2015, allowing private aircraft to fly in airspace under 1,000 meters without permissions from the military. 中国决定于2015年开放民用航空市场,届时私人飞机在低于1000米的空域内飞行将无需军方许可...

  • 14-11-06 a majority of sony mobile's upcoming layoffs will be in china, but the company is not giving up the world's largest handset market, insiders have said. 索尼移动即将来临的裁员,其中大部分员工位于中国,但是索尼不会放弃这个世界上最大的手机市...

  • 宜家推出站立式可调节办公桌bekant

    14-11-02 ikea has revealed a 'convertible' desk that transforms from a standard desk to a standing one at the touch of a button, and hopes it could make the standing desk mainstream. 宜家近日推出了一款名为bekant的可调节的站立式办公桌,使用者只需按一下按钮便...

  • 14-10-15 china minsheng bank and u.s. electric car maker tesla motors will cooperate in constructing at least 400 charging facilities in 20 chinese cities, they agreed on tuesday. 本周二,中国民生银行与美国电动汽车生产商特斯拉汽车达成协议,将合力在中国20个城...

  • 14-09-15 inclusive macroeconomic and social policies 包容性宏观经济和社会政策 the need to simultaneously achieve growth, inclusiveness, protection and preservation 实现增长、包容性和环保挑战的迫切需要 international law and multilateralism with the united nat...

  • 14-07-22 chinese president xi jinping has signed a series of oil and mineral deals with venezuela. 中国国家主席习近平与委内瑞拉政府签署一系列的石油、矿产协议。 chinese president xi jinping shakes the hand of venezuelan president nicolas maduro they include a...

  • 14-07-10 uruguayan president jose mujica has said the start of legal cannabis sales will be delayed until next year due to practical difficulties. 乌拉圭总统何塞穆希卡称,因为实际性困难,大麻的合法化销售将被推迟至明年。 sales in state-owned pharmacies were d...

  • 14-06-25 sales of new us homes surged to a six-year high in may suggesting the housing market is beginning to recover from its recent slowdown. 五月份美国新住宅销售量创下近六年以来最高点,暗示着房产市场正在从最近的低迷中开始恢复。 sales increased by 18.6% to...

  • 14-05-29 minister pang gong accepted the appointment of the king of the state of wei and accompanied the prince to han dan to be the hostage. before departure, he said to the king, if someone told you that there was a tiger at the market, would your majesty...
