
  • 16-03-03 after the couple's quarreling, the husband shouted: you should remember that no matter what tine it is, what the man is thinking of is right, and his judgment is correct, but you women are always do the opposite. the wife answered, yes, that you cho...

  • 15-09-30 continuity mistake: just before the indominus rex ambush, in one shot the asset containment unit trooper meyers is equipped with a laser-rifle. in the next, she's equipped with a cattle prod. this happens at least 4 times. revealing mistake: when th...

  • 14-08-06 不服气是吧? disobey me? 我没干对不起你的事情。 i have nothing to apologize for. 那是我对不起你了? should i apologize to you? 放他一马吧。 give him a break. 谁跟我抢食,我就跟谁玩儿命。 any paw in my rice bowl gets cut off. 我本将心向明月,奈何明月...

  • 13-10-11 isaac david r. slavitt after that grotesque(奇怪的) business up on the mountain, abraham comes down and goes to beersheba, but what about isaac? no, not a word about him. a mistake? there cannot be mistakes in the torah! the hole is there to let t...

  • 13-09-23 片段对白 agent k: boris the animal. i put him away a long time ago. it's the worst mistake i ever made. agent j: why? was he innocent? agent k: should have killed him. agent j: well, shit, let's go get him. agent k: no. agent j: no. agent k: leave i...

  • 13-08-14 精彩对白 jonathan: hey. sara: hey. jonathan: let's go do something. sara: all right. what you wanna do? jonathan: i don't care. sara: all right. jonathan: now, promise me you're not just visiting here for a week or marrying somebody to get a green c...

  • 13-05-14 pencil: you know, i'm really sorry. eraser: for what? you didn't do anything wrong. pencil: i'm sorry, 'cause you get hurt because of me. whenever i make a mistake, you are always there to erase it. but as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a par...

  • 12-10-24 精彩对白 taylor: who is it? holly: doug. taylor: isn't doug coming in? holly: no. can you go back in... in your room, please? goodbye, doug. doug: no, i need to talk to you. holly: we're past talking . doug: please. look, i made a mistake. holly: yo...

  • 10-01-17 us scientists have found a way they believe may cut the number of mistakes made by medical staff looking for breast and cervical cancers. 美国科学家找到一种方法,可以减少医务人员在检测乳腺癌和宫颈癌时犯错误的次数。 radiographers look for abnormaliti...

  • 09-09-30 this happened a long, long time ago. humans had big ears then. and they would flap in the wind. their ears were so big that they found a use for them. sometimes they would lie down upon one ear, using it as a mattress. other times they would cover t...
