
  • 21-12-06 这个表达源于广播术语,意思是两人或多人观点相投、合得来。其中单词 wavelength 指电台播送节目时使用的波段或频道,人们只有处于同一波段才能通讯、联络。 例句 finally i think were on the same wavelength and we should be able to work together to complete th...

  • 21-08-19 to turn the page 意思就是不再纠结过去,开始人生新的一页。请注意,此短语常用于美式英语中。 例句 joan cried a lot during her divorce. when it was over, she decided to turn the page and start partying again. the president told the nation the war was ov...

  • 18-05-23 a single page from one of karl marxs manuscripts has been sold for 523,000 us dollars at an auction in beijing, reports 中新网报道,卡尔马克思的一页手稿在北京一场拍卖会上以52.3万美元成交。 the page, provided for auction by chinese ent...

  • 16-08-22 the front page 头版 above the fold 头版头条 * 报纸头版露在外面的上半页,如果是网页就相当于首屏。 advertisement 广告 classified ads 分类广告 nation 国内版 world 国际版 business 财经版 sports 体育版 life 生活版 special 专版 editorials 社论 op-ed 评论...

  • 16-01-02 as a coping strategy when dealing with literary snobs (who will judge you to your face because you haven't read the books they have), you sometimes have to pretend you've read a book you haven't. 相信你一定遇到过这样的人,如果你没读过他们读过的书,...

  • 14-05-08 an op-ed , abbreviated from opposite the editorial page, is a newspaper article that expresses the opinions of a named writer who is usually unaffiliated with the newspaper's editorial board. these are different from editorials (which are usually un...

  • 14-02-13 becoming a book howard schwartz when writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation(化身,典型). -- jorge luis borges for ben furnish all these years, without knowing it, i've been preparing for my rebirth as a book...

  • 13-08-07 like-gating refers to the practice of blocking users from certain content on a facebook page unless they first like the facebook page. like-gating指facebook等社交网站用户要求浏览自己页面的用户需先点喜欢才能查看页面内的某些内容,我们可称之为喜欢屏蔽...

  • 12-05-05 a website has pulled together some of the ugliest web pages on earth and they're all still going strong, despite having been designed in the 'good old days'. 一家名为来自地狱的网站正致力于汇集全世界最丑的网站,这些中选网站多数诞生于互联网产生初期,...

  • 09-08-26 the online encyclopaedia wikipedia is on the cusp of launching a major revamp to how people contribute to some pages. 在线百科全书wikipedia即将发起有利于人们修改某些页面的计划。 the call for flagged revisions came from wikipedia founder jimmy wales...
