
  • 16-06-27 三明治 sandwich 米饭 rice 粥 congee (rice soup) 饺子 dumpling 面条 noodle 比萨饼 pizza 方便面 instant noodle 香肠 sausage 面包 bread 茶叶蛋 tea eggs 馒头 steamed bread 饼(蛋糕)cake 汉堡 hamburger 火腿 ham 奶酪 cheese 馄饨皮 wonton skin 高筋面粉...

  • 16-05-04 a pizza shop owner in new york, took to social media to introduce his latest innovation, an edible pizza box. 纽约一位披萨店主近日在社交媒体上介绍了自己的最新发明:可以吃的披萨包装盒。 the pizzeria is ditching the cardboard container for a pizza box...

  • 15-10-27 you'll be able to purchase high-quality emotions online. emotion-sharing experiences are the latest fad in 2045. imagine your friend at glastonbury can post a photo on instagram and with it comes bundled a faint twinkling of what she was feeling rig...

  • 15-08-06 following the debut of its pizza-flavored wings in hong kong, kfc announced yet another chicken combination: the chizza . 在香港推出披萨味的鸡翅后,肯德基宣布推出新的鸡翅组合:炸鸡披萨。 what is the chizza, you ask? well, the name pretty much says i...

  • 15-03-10 if you find yourself spending too much time deliberating over which toppings to pick for your pizza, domino's is here to save the day. 如果你还在为选择什么口味的披萨而发愁,达美乐现在可以帮你解决。 the pizza firm's new 'tummy translator' app detects...

  • 14-07-11 意大利一名企业家发明了披萨自动贩卖机,顾客每次只需要等待3分钟,便可吃到新鲜出炉的披萨。 a pizza vending machine takes convenience food to a whole new level, delivering fresh pies to customers in just three minutes 24/7. the let's pizza unit invented...

  • 14-06-13 日本必胜客为纪念森永甜品创立100周年,特别推出了一款森永牛奶焦糖和棉花糖批萨。五颜六色的棉花糖、甜甜的焦糖和烤杏仁撒在松脆的切达奶酪批萨上,这种组合很有可能让你的味蕾不知所措。 the japanese continue to steam ahead of these united states of american s...

  • 12-08-02 two-pizza teams is the concept of keeping the team small enough that it can be fed with two pizzas. small enough for the contribution of each member to make a noticeable contribution, in order to function it needs mutual dependence, a common objecti...

  • 12-02-21 精彩对白 liz: listen, lady, i am only 7, but i can tell you're a complete moron ...because i am from naples. sofi: i love this place, but giovanni said to watch out. his cousin got mugged here in a museum. liz: are you serious? sofi: watch out for t...

  • 10-11-08 a blonde went into a pizza parlor(客厅,会客室) . when she said that she'd like a medium pizza, the clerk asked her how many pieces she'd like to have it cut into: six or twelve. oh, goodness, six please, said the blonde. i don't think i could eve...
