
  • 11-09-09 news coverage of washington politicians and their rhetoric(修辞) appears to have less influence on the american public compared to other news coverage, according to a study by a michigan state university political scientist. instead, citizens are...

  • 11-09-01 netizens called for the scraping of the long-time dual pension scheme , in which civil servants and other public employees were entitled to pensions several times the amount of citizens employed by non-public entities. 网民呼吁废除长久以来一直在实行...

  • 11-05-02 a ban on smoking in public places has come into force in china - home to a third of the world's smokers. 公共场合禁止吸烟已在中国生效,中国有世界上1/3数量的烟民。 china has more smokers than any other country the move is aimed at curbing the number...

  • 11-04-01 china has decided to start public hospital reform with pilot programs in selected cities or districts in each province, autonomous region and municipality, according to a cabinet guideline passed wednesday. 国务院本周三出台的指导意见提出,我国已决定...

  • 11-01-15 一名巴基斯坦男子因在道路纠纷中对人竖中指而被迪拜最高法院判处入狱一个月并驱逐出境。 another don't in dubai: keep the hand gestures clean or risk a one-way ticket home. that's the message from dubai's highest court in a ruling that upheld(支持) the...

  • 11-01-09 the president: please have a seat, everybody. happy new year. last october, when my former chief of staff rahm emanuel departed to pursue other opportunities in chicago, i asked pete rouse, one of my most trusted aides, to step into the breach(填补...

  • 10-11-25 在刚刚结束的第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上,最高人民法院院长王胜俊在工作报告中表示要继续坚定不移地推进司法体制改革,承诺将做到透明公开,阳光司法。今年三月以来,部分法院引入了现场听证,保证了立案过程透明规范,有利于推进司法公开的实现。 请看相关...

  • 10-11-25 war! i found clarence alone in his quarters, drowned in melancholy(忧郁,悲哀) ; and in place of the electric light, he had reinstituted the ancient rag-lamp, and sat there in a grisly twilight with all curtains drawn tight. he sprang up and rushe...

  • 10-10-07 archbishop desmond tutu is stepping down from public life, as he celebrates his 79th birthday. 南非大主教德斯蒙德图图结束了其公职生涯,庆祝他的79岁生日。 the man described as the conscience of south africa was a prominent(突出的,显著的) voice dur...

  • 10-09-26 自从新疆阿勒泰地区在全国第一个实施官员财产申报制度之后,多米诺骨牌效应随即产生浙江慈溪、四川高县、上海浦东、湖南浏阳等地相继试水。据悉,官员财产申报具体制度已经从论证进入了实际制定阶段。 请看新华社的报道: li fei, deputy director of the legislative...
